Chapter 1

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song of the chapter:
Sia - Salted Wound


"Ugh. Scorpious!", Hermione frowned as she saw all of the toys scattered on the floor. She flicked her wand and the toys went floating and stored into the box. The sound of feet thumping echoes through the walls of her one-bedroom apartment. This apartment might be small, for a war heroine of course, but a lot has changed these past few years. Also, it's the perfect size for them. The room was kind of... old... but it's warm and cozy. The 3 years old blonde hair boy stand right in front of the door with an innocent face. Hermione smiled a bit.

"Yes, mum?"

"How many times I have to tell you to put back your toys in the trunk?", Hermione said while walking towards him, arms folded. He grinned. "Sorry", he said. Eyes casting behind his mother to see if the toys were still there. Hermione lowered her body to the same level as his. She played with his hair and stared at his face. He looks just like his father. An exact copy of him. She sighed.

"What's wrong mum?", Scorpious asked confused. Hermione shook her head. "Nothing. Remember it next time, won't you? Anyways what do you want for lunch?", She asked. Scorpious observed his mum's face. Dark circles under her eyes and a tired smile, plus a pale face. An instinct of a pure child. "You're sick", He stated. Hermione laughed. She knew her son is clever, not sure if he had that from his mum or dad. Scorpious's face remains flat. Now, almost intimidating. "You need to see a doctor", Scorpious said. "I don want you got sick", He continued, the next second, he hugged his mum tightly. Hermione hugged him back. "Hey, it's okay. I'm okay I promise. I just work a little bit overtime this week. You know mommy's busy right?". Hermione let go of the hug and cupped his face. A cute little dragon framed in her palms. His eyes are sad.

"Mum, why don't I have a dad?"


"A dad. I already asked you a few times, I know. But I knew you're lying mum. Dad can't be working this long, can he?"

Hermione remained silent and shook her head. She sat in her bed. Her son followed her and jump right next to her. "If I have one, you wouldn't be tired mum. You wouldn't be sick. Jane has Uncle Hans. Few days ago, Auntie Leia sick he brought her food. you don't have to go work mummy"

"Oh scorpious...", Hermione tilted her face to her left and the genuine concern in his eyes got to her. It hurts her so much that he looks so much like his father. Everything about him reminded her about the greatest memories of her life, and the worst. Draco Malfoy.


Hermione wiped the tears off her eyes. I'm strong. You've handled worse Hermione. She kept repeating to herself. 7th year. Not Exactly. She already did 7th year. She came back after the war, to take her N.E.W.T.s and of course it's not only her. Her boyfriend, well now ex-boyfriend and her bestfriend along with several other students were also coming back. Even the deatheater slytherin, Draco Malfoy. She heard his father was sent off to Azkaban. His mother moved away and live somewhere else. Geez who want to live in that creepy manor anyway?  Well he looks depressed and frustrated from everything. Holy cricket! I couldn't possibly feel sorry for him, right? He's- *bumps*

"Watch where you're going granger"

Oh... I guess just thinking about it can summon the demon itself. "Malfoy"

Draco furrowed his eyebrows and frowned. "What were you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be celebrating for the end of this bloody war with your perfect friends? The golden trio?", Draco asked with a disgusted tone, emphasizing the "perfect" and "golden". "Well, it's not really your business, is it?", Hermione snapped. Draco smirked and she rolls her eyes. "Seems like your puffy eyes explained much", Draco shrugged and fold his arms. "Shut it, Malfoy. You couldn't possibly feel any better, could you? Oh, I forgot. I think you feel completely fine after joining your father. Since that is all you care. Unfortunately, I don't think your father really care about that since Azkaban is where he is now.", Hermione said sharply. Draco's face stiffened eyes glared at Hermione.

"You know nothing about me and my family. You don't know how I live my life these past years. You don't know the struggle and pressure of me. You know nothing, Granger. So, go enjoy your happily ever after."

Draco walk past her. Hermione was at the stairs to the top of astronomy tower.

She just cried there, seen Ron with some random Gryffindor.

Hermione knew he loved her. Still loves her. But she just can't stand the fact that he's fine about sleeping with his fans. She felt like she's about to vomit.

Ever since the war, girls are throwing their body to him. Willingly. Ron had been good, he doesn't have anger issues anymore, he protected her all the time.

But when it comes to commitment... He just doesn't really give a fuck. She caught him making out with some girls, it hurts, but she forgave him. He always said he was drunk.

Not a big problem right darling? As long as I love you, I'll never ever let anyone hurt you. He said.

Well I don't know the last thing he said doesn't apply to himself. She felt tears forming in her eyes again.

She heard sounds from downstairs. She's out of her mind if she goes there right now. I'm not ready for some gossips and dramas. But there's Malfoy up there! How many insults can he possibly throw at you?

Well at least it's better than the whole bloody school. Plus, who's someone he could tell about this? No one. Great.

Hermione turned her body and walk languidly back upstairs. She was stunned when she saw her enemy for years covered his face, alone, and... is he sobbing? He looked up then stare blankly out of the window. Hermione walks to him studiously.


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