Chapter 2

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Song of the chapter:
the neighborhood - daddy issues


He didn’t move, but his right hand starts searching for his wand and grab it.  “Go on, Granger. Tell me how weak I am, insult me. I don’t care.”, He looked very desperate.

Hermione took two steps towards him. She tapped his shoulder, grabbed them and turned his body to her. His intimidating eyes met her red gentle eyes. She smiled a little. “Are you okay?”, Hermione said warily. He didn’t answer. “You can tell anything to me.”, Hermione suggested. Draco chuckled ruefully.

“I’m mental if I ever tell you about anything.” “Everyone needs company right now, Draco. This bloody war. It’s different for both of us. Besides, it’s beneficial. Maybe if I listened to your problems, I can help you. Also, I got distracted from my own problems.”, Hermione added.

Help me?”, Draco snorted. “Don’t be insane, granger. I know you hate me more than everyone. Someone who insulted you for years, called you a mudblood, a deatheater. I know you’re delighted when those Aurors snatched my father’s wand and took him harshly. I know you’ll probably laugh from what I’ve become. A coward. A traitor. A desperate little boy. A foul loathsome evil little cockroach. I don’t care of the names you’d call me. I don’t care if you make fun of me with your stupid friends. I-“, Draco stopped when Hermione suddenly pulls him into a hug.

Draco didn’t react for a few seconds. Hermione’s right hand is around his waist, while the other one is around his neck hand stroking his hair. While her face buried in his shoulder.

“Do I look that vulnerable?”, Draco untangled his body from her hands slowly. “Don’t be afraid to tell them, Malfoy. I promise I’m not the worst company.”, Hermione smiled. He moved away.

“I don’t mean it, Granger. That’s just how I am raised. That’s just what I’ve been taught. Those are the orders I need to follow.”, Draco started. “I trust you”, Hermione said convincingly. “Don’t lie”, Draco chuckled. Hermione remained silent.

Draco turned and saw her eyes. Pure and kind. Something he doesn’t deserve.

“I know you’re not lying, Draco. We may be mortal enemies. But I know how you talk, how you smirk, how you smile, and I know the Draco Malfoy I see right now is not the Draco Malfoy that I know. He might be the most pompous ass in this castle, but he’s always full of joy, genuine happiness filled his face which I desperately wanted to smack. Which eventually I did.”, She laughed. Draco didn’t laugh nor express any emotion.

“Draco, I know you never knew me. I also understand deeply that you despise muggleborns. But I can promise you, If I offered you my help, I really mean it. You can be my friend, Draco. Well of course it’s not me who decides. But I’ll be there if you need me. And I trust you.”, Hermione reached for his hand. He stared at her. His eyes are teary. He hugged her tightly. He sobbed in her shoulder. He didn't even care about the fact he's in the arms of the mudblood.

Hermione hugged back, and patted his back. Just like a loving mother with her one and only son.

“I’m sorry, Hermione. I don’t deserve all of this. I’m not supposed to do this.”, Draco mumbled in her shoulder. “Let’s sit there okay?”, Hermione let go of the hug.

They sat on the floor near the window. Draco told her how much of a slave he is to his dad and the dark lord.

“I could’ve saved them, Granger. I could’ve said no. I could’ve prevent it. If it isn’t because of me, Dumbledore lives. If it isn’t because of me, this war wouldn’t take this many victims. But I’m a coward. I’m a selfish daddy’s boy and I’m afraid of everything. I’m scared. I'm not ready, hermione. I don’t want to die.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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