Chapter Eleven

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"Wangye, are we not going in?"

Dongfang Hao Ye squatted outside of the big gate of Beitang Wangfu, watching it while chewing the sleeve of his clothes.

Xiao Dong crouched beside him, and couldn't help asked, "Don't you miss Wangfei very much? We have come a long way to here, why are you not going in but only here sighing?"

"Aiya, even if I tell you, you won't understand." Xiao Wangye said regretfully.

People said, 'so close to the hometown, only feel shy' **[tn: see note at the end of the chapter]. He was so close to his wife, he also felt shy. When he was still in Wen Country, he only thought of hurrying to see Beitang Yao Yue, but now that he was already in arrived at the doorstep, he hesitated.

Recalling Beitang Yao Yue's insistence to leave, Dongfang Hao Ye still felt heartache.

They sort of parted in an awkward situation, Yao Yue's last sentence, 'You continue', chilled him to the bones.

Although he strove to pretend the words were never said, but deep in his heart he was still anxious. He would rather Yao Yue hated him, at least it proved that Yao Yue did care about him. But if Yao Yue didn't care.. then.. then he could not bear it!

While Dongfang Hao Ye was still thinking, suddenly he heard the Beitang Wangfu's gate was opened with a creak. He jumped in a scare; his limbs reacted quicker than his brain; he pulled Xiao Dong to hide in a corner.

"Wangye, wha..."

"Shush, be quiet!" Dongfang Hao Ye blocked Xiao Dong's mouth, he crouched and then peered around the corner. A moment later he exhaled when he saw a silhouette coming out of the gate.

It was only a few ordinary people.

However, he was not relaxed for a long time; suddenly he widened his eyes in surprise.

He saw two figures coming out one after another. The first man was tall and sturdy; the man behind him was dressed in white, slender in appearance, elegant in temperament; with a touch of gracefulness and coldness.

Yao Yue.

Yao Yue... Yao.. Yue...

Dongfang Hao Ye suddenly felt the time had stopped as he stood there stupidly; looking at the people ahead.

Yao Yue had gone thinner. His jade-like cheeks looked wan and sallow, his beautiful raised-eyebrows was slightly knitted, his hair was not let loose like it used to; instead it was tied high with a string, and it would sway in the wind. It made him look more handsome; his cheeks were more defined, and his jaw sharper.

Yao Yue was pursing his lips as his head titled, listening to the person beside him; his eyelashes was lowered as if he was neither listening nor not listening, smiling nor not smiling.

Dongfang Hao Ye was enraptured by the sight of him; but then he saw Yao Yue's star-like dark eyes creased, his eyelashes fluttered and the corner of his lips raised.

Beitang Yao Yue smiled; a light and elegant smile.

Dongfang Hao Ye felt a heavy weight crushing his chest; staring at the smile, his soul left his body; his fingers had punched into the wall without he realizing it.

Yao Yue, Yao Yue. How could he.. smile like this in front of others...

A carriage drove slowly and stopped right in front of the gate. Beitang Yao Yue said something to the man beside him, and then with a faint smile, climbed onto the carriage. The man followed and closed the door.

The carriage slowly passed in front of Dongfang Hao Ye. From the beginning to the end, Beitang Yao Yue was not aware at all of his existence.

"Wang.. Wangye..." Xiao Dong's voice shook a little.

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