It was Corpse

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Y/N POV (she/her)

I heard my alarm screaming near my ear for two minutes straight. I finally found the energy to turn it off as I groaned of annoyance. I kicked my blanket off as I let my entire body stretch. Goosebumps instantly hit my bare legs as I began to shiver due to the crisp October morning. I slowly got out of bed to greet my hamster. As usual, Honey was running on his wheel until he saw me. Grizzly instantly ran to me, putting his paw against the bin as I put my index finger on the bin.

"Hey little guy!" I giggled. I opened the bin lid and gently picked him up as I pet him. I sighed, wishing I didn't work today. "I have to get ready now but I'll see after work?" I said as I put him down. I dusted myself off and looked at the time. 5:07am. Great. I have to leave in 20 minutes if I want to beat the San Francisco traffic. I brushed my teeth and put on some makeup just so I don't look so dead. I then put my (h/c) into a bun not wanting to deal with the mess. Changing, I saw the time getting closer. I quickly grabbed my apron, shoes, and a granola bar and sprinted out of the door.

I finally reached the small cafe around the corner and clocked in. I greeted my manager relieved that I arrived just on time. I sighed as I waited for customers. Rochelle, my only friend, came and lightly touched my shoulder.

"Hey Y/N. How are you?" She smiled, standing next to me. I yawned, giving her a weak smile.

"Oh you know, tired as hell. As always." I chuckled. I haven't known Rochelle for long, maybe about 7 months but she has always been the nicest and honest to me. I never had real friends growing up, especially during school. It was always me eating lunch in the library alone. Ever since I graduated and got this job a year ago, the customers and coworkers were absolute sweethearts, it felt surreal.

Rush hour finally came by and I was too busy making different types of coffee and gathering pastries. Rochelle rang each customer up as I gave them their drink and food. I took deep breaths as I began to get overwhelmed. My social anxiety has always been a problem however I needed a job. I can't survive off of making song covers... even if it puts my well-being into distress. Rochelle noticed how I was panicking so she signaled me to go into the back. I walked into the back room as I watched my hands shake. I took some deep breaths as I played with my bracelet to calm myself down. Checking the time on my phone, I noticed I had an Instagram DM notification from a girl named Valkyrae. My heart began to race, I always hated answering DMs. Before I answered the message, I skimmed across her page. I finally realized that she was a well known streamer. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 'Why would she want to message me? I'm basically non existent' I thought to myself. I finally gathered the courage to open it.

Hey! I'm sorry if I'm bothering you, I recently came across your Instagram and YouTube page. I love your covers!

Thank you so much:) I can't believe you even came across my stuff lol, I absolutely love your videos

I closed the app and got back to work. Only 5 more hours left. I came to the front seeing many people sitting in the cafe. Rush hour must've died down. I turned to Rochelle that was fixing up an Espresso for a customer.

"Hey, I'm so sorry for bailing during this hour." I said quietly. Rochelle has always been understanding but my mind always led me to think that she secretly despised me for leaving her during the busiest hour. Stupid brain.

"It's no worries Y/N. I understand. You're stressed and overwhelmed," She began to say with a beaming smile. "People aren't your forte and that's completely fine."

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