Yin and Yang

538 22 41

Y/N pov

Sean began cursing under his breath while corpse and I were explaining. I eventually became silent to let Corpse explain what he saw.

"Okay, sooo I went with Y/N and Charlie to 02 because you were in admin. While Charlie was fixing it, Y/N killed Charlie in front of me. Pleaseeee pleaseee vote Y/N." Corpse pleaded.

"Sean. I was with you almost the whole time since the game began. I couldn't have done those kills, if I was imposter, I would've killed you since I would've have numerous chances to do so. Corpse was alone almost the whole time with no alibi." I explained. Sean, still cursing under his breath eventually voted. So corpse and I did as well. 2 vs 1.


I cheered while everyone was laughing. Everyone met back into the lobby and was talking about the game.

"I can't believe you pulled a Corpse!" Poki said to me. Everyone began agreeing while I heard corpse laugh for the first time. His laugh was a higher pitch and so contagious. You couldn't help but laugh and smile when you heard his genuine laugh.

"I pulled a Corpse?" I laughed in confusion.

"When Corpse is imposter he usually does the same thing and gets away with it. And I'm surprised you convinced Sean that it was him, usually corpse is a smooth talker." Sykkuno laughed. I smiled because I was proud of myself. The countdown began once again and I held my breath. This time I was a crew mate. Thank god. I began to do my tasks around Skeld. Connecting wires, unlocking manifolds, swiping my card. I've been procrastinating to walk into electrical but I just have to.. I entered in and started to do my wires. Felix then came up behind me and snapped my neck. I couldn't help but hysterically laugh. I decided to finish my last 2 tasks in electrical and saw Rae report my body. During this time I decided to warm up some leftover orange chicken. After a few minutes I sat down in my chair and looked at the chat. I thanked everyone for joining and donating. Over 3k people have joined me and I'm so shocked.

"So, I was thinking about dying my hair guys. Not much but just a lil change. What color should I do?" I ask. I saw the chat go crazy and multiple requests for blue. "Not blue though! I love blue but blue dye is such a pain in the ass and too much of a commitment." I laughed. I read the chat until I heard Sykkuno unmute himself.

"Uhm.. Y/N, your unmuted." He said trying not to laugh. My face flushed in embarrassment.

"My bad." I said quietly. I quickly muted myself and continued to talk to everyone watching the stream. The game ended and crew mates won. I entered back into the lobby and everyone was teasing me.

"Don't worry Y/N, it was cute." A low voice said. My face felt hot as soon as Corpse said that. The way he said my name was as smooth as butter and I wanted to hear more.

"I think we should do Polus." Felix suggested. My eyes shot up.

"Oh shit, I don't know where everything is in Polus." I said. Skeld was simple and easy but Polus? Yeah. No.

"You can stick with me if you want." Corpse offered. I couldn't help but smile like a dumbass when he said that.

"Really? You don't have to if you don't want to Corpse." I said worried. What if he just felt bad for me? That he thought I was stupid? My mind started thinking of multiple things until I heard him.

"It'll be fun!" He laughed. His voice and laughter instantly calmed me down and I laughed with him. I stood next to Corpse's bean character. His character was black with ram horns, and a suit. It fit him perfectly.

"Aww! You two are like Yin and Yang!" Rae pointed out. Everyone started laughing and cooing about how cute that was but luckily the game started. I saw that I was crew mate and decided to follow corpse. Went from task to task until a dead body was reported.

"Where was it?" Charlie asked. Everyone started talking at once figuring it out who it was. Everyone started talking over each other, again.

     "Well Y/N and I were in specimen." Corpse said after it calmed down. We all agreed to skip, it was too early to decide. Corpse let me do my tasks as he watched. I couldn't stop smiling and blushing this entire round. It's so bizarre how sweet a person can be.

     "Corpse is such a sweetheart. Don't you guys think?" I asked, even though I couldn't read the chat at the moment. We finished our tasks and he led me to a small area with little snowmen. We ran around the snowmen and was fucking around until the game abruptly ended.

     "Damn we lost." I laughed. I heard Charlie and Sean cheer as everyone was saying "good game".

     "The ghosts were stalking you two while you were on your cute date." Rae teased.

     "It wasn't a date." Corpse said as he chuckled. I quickly looked at my chat seeing that over 7k is watching. My bursted with joy, this is the most views I have ever gotten. I saw a lot of comments freaking out about how Corpse and I went on an "among us date" and how I called him a sweetheart. I bit my lip trying to stop myself from smiling, again and decided to play a few more rounds of Among Us.

After playing for a few more hours, we all decided to get off. I said goodbye to everyone and left the game.

"Thank you guys so much more joining! I'll stream again soon, bye!" I said waving at the camera. I turned everything off and decided to take a shower.

I let the shower become steamy as I stripped my clothes off. I let the water hit my skin as I stood there closing my eyes. After about 30 minutes of showering and overthinking, I got out to dry off. I changed into dark red bottoms and a black tank top. Before I sat down on my sofa, I decided to grab some wafers as a late night snack before I turned on Criminal Minds. As I watched episode after episode I received a text from Corpse himself...


O shit this chapter was kind of boring but I'm hella tired. Sorry for not updating in so long, hella stressed with everything going on. Thank you so much for 100 reads!!🖤

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