chapter 231-240

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Chapter 231: The Traitor of the Kingdom

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Zhang Yang was on the verge of spewing out a series of vulgarities!

Does this game want him to die that badly? It was enough, having to deal with every NPC that once considered him a friend, but now, actual, human players had been sent after him?

Level +3, a Yellow-Gold weapon, and the title of 'The Grant General- Protector of the Kingdom'! With such rewards, even Zhang Yang thought about killing himself and turning his own head over for the reward!

All players of the game would want to have higher levels, better equipment than everyone else. That was a given. However, the title was priceless! Levels and equipment can still be achieved by other means, but the title of 'The Grant General - Protector of the Kingdom' was one of a kind!

The Protector of the Kingdom, Grant General, it was truly impressive!

All the players in White Jade City had been riled up into a riot, as large guilds began formulating plans. The players in other seven main cities had also teleported over one after another, shouting slogans like 'Kill Zhan Yu, become Grant General'. In no time at all, entire armies had been formed in White Jade City.

"Hahaha." Wei Yan Er laughed gleefully at his expense. "Noob tank, you have become a boss now, giving players who slay you experience points, loots and also a title! Why don't you let me chop off your dog head then? Better not to let one's own fertile water flow into the fields of others!"

"F*ck off, little girl, where's your loyalty?" Zhang Yang was speeding away on his bear as he cursed under his breath repeatedly.

"I would rather betray everyone, rather than have me betrayed by everyone else" Wei Yan Er spoke in the tone of an ancient conspirator.

"You've been watching {{Romance of the Three Kingdom}} these days?"

"How's your mother? How's your whole family?" Fatty Han immediately recalled a few lines, laughing at himself, before everyone else quickly shushed him up.

"Guildmaster, do you need us guild members to escort you?"

Zhang Yang gave it some thought and said, "No need for that! It can be assumed that 80% of the players in China region are trying to pursue me. Even if the whole guild gets involved, there's no way we can stand up to them with numbers! Furthermore, we'll only end up as a bigger target, I'll use speed to handle this!"

"But the system will announce your coordinate once in every 10 minutes!"

"Not a problem, 10 minutes is a lifetime. They won't get a clear fix on my location!"

Zhang Yang continued riding Whitey into the forest. His high level reduced the chances of monsters being attracted to him.

"Guildmaster Zhan Yu, your quest definitely shook the heavens and the earth. China is all riled up thanks to you now! There's even a thread opened solely about your situation on the official forum website. They are guessing whether you can evade all the NPCs and players and succeed at the end of the day!"

Snow Seeker connected her voice communication device with Zhang Yang, a smile on her face.

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "My luck has been always good!"

"Yeap, you definitely need that now!" Snow Seeker expressed her agreement. Needless to say, even the alliance of Lone Desert Smoke, Crimson Red and Lost Paradise had no chance of holding the entire region back. It would be just like a mantis trying to stop a chariot1!

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