Chapter 2

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As we walked through the gates slightly red faced and disheveled, I saw Sam leaning against the far gate talking to a boy I had never seen before.

“Hey Abbey,” Sam called me over to him. When I got to him he smiled lovingly at me and put his hand on the small of my back and guided me towards him for a kiss. “Hey,” I replied breathlessly. Behind us someone coughed. “Oh, sorry mate,” Sam said sheepishly to the boy, “Abbey this is Cain Osborne, Cain, this is my girlfriend Abbey” Cain gave me a handsome smile and appreciatively looked me from head to toe as I acknowledged him with a brisk nod. Cain was Tall, Dark and Handsome. Very much the stereotype, he had a dangerous feel around him. He had bright green eyes the same color as a cats, which he used to watch me as I squirmed under his penetrating gaze. His black hair framed his face perfectly, stopping just shy of his strong jawline. He had a biker jacket on - even though he was too young to ride one - which emphasized his muscled arms and chest.

As if just noticing the way Cain was watching me, Sam slide his arm protectively around my waist, making it clear that I was his. “He’s new to Primrose and i’ve been told to, you know, show him the ropes,” Primrose - or its proper name of Primrose Hill High - was our school. It was probably a bit past it, with a musty old gym that was usually used for assemblies as well as sports, and a couple of teachers who had been there since before I was born, but we all loved it. It had character that was lacking from the brand new schools that were constantly being built around ours, making it seem small and out of date.

  “So Cain, where you are from?,” I asked trying to be polite and conversational, “Birmingham, originally,” he replied, “Just south of the city center, it was a real shit hole there so i’m glad mum got the job down here and we had to move,” 

A bit taken aback by his forwardness I asked “What about your Dad? Did he move down with you too?”

“Nah, my Dad left us on my fifth birthday,” Frick, I thought, Why did you ask that you idiot! Oh god what do i say?! I opened my mouth to apologize  but he just waved it off, 

“Don’t, really. It doesn’t bother me, I try to pretend it never happened, y’know,?” 

“Urm, Yeah I guess,” Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! 

  Sam, thank god he was so oblivious, grinned at Cain, seeming to forget the attack of the green eyed monster he had earlier when Cain was eyeing me up, “What class you got first mate?,” Sam asked, “One minute, lemme’ check,” he said pulling out his timetable and staring at it. “History, with Miss White,” Cain said after a bit. Sam pulled a face, “That’ll be fun!” Sam smirked sarcastically, “Miss White’s alright but she’s deadly boring, and she wonders why she’s still called Miss!” Sam laughed and Cain laughed with him, Cain’s laugh was sequence of short, harsh barks whilst Sam’s was melodic and filled with joy. “Top floor, in the faculty block over there,” Sam stated, “C’mon, i’ll show you the way,” he said to Cain before turning to me, “Catch you later Ab, yeah?” “Yeah,” I replied kissing him on the cheek. He turned and walked off with Cain, describing a very vivid story by the look of it, waving his arms about to try and emphasize the tale.

  “Abbey! Tell us all the details right now!” I turned to see Saskia and Leah standing behind me, demanding the gossip on the new boy. “Whats his name?” “Where’s he from?” laughing at their eagerness i replied, “His name is Cain Osborne, and he’s from Birmingham.” Leah pretending to swoon, ‘fainted’ into Saskia’s arms, Saskia was laughing with me as she pushed Leah back on to her feet. Leah grinned mischievously at me and said “I wonder if the mysterious Cain Osborne has a girlfriend?” wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at us, “Maybe I should try my chances,” she said giggling. Saskia rolled her eyes but was smiling. “C’mon you muppets, we have English first and I know Mr. Hill really hates you if you’re late,’’ Still smirking Leah and I followed Saskias retreating back.

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