2.2 | Spicy Seafood Date

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The ambient lighting illuminates Sapphire's features in the most flattering way possible, doing her justice. I'm left gawking at her like an awkward fool from across the table as we wait for our food to arrive at our table.

We're seated at a table-for-two in a popular seafood restaurant, located on the opposite side of town from where we live. It's a place Zach told me she'd like after I sought advice from him. Figured he knew how to impress her since he dated her. And she clearly still adores him.

I asked her out after school as we waited for Katie to pick us up. I was afraid my nosey sister would get a chance to interrupt her flustered brother and the beautiful girl he has a crush on. But thankfully, Sapphire agreed right before Katie pulled up in front of us.

Now, she's completely oblivious to the way I'm secretly admiring her.

God really took his time on her.

When something at the far right of the restaurant catches her attention—enough to turn her casual smile into a bright grin—she turns to me and waves her napkin in my face to catch my attention. Pretending I wasn't shamelessly ogling her, I casually turn to look towards where her finger is now pointing and smile.

Cute, is the only thing I'm able to think when I see what caused her excitement.

An elderly couple just arrived, and the man is pulling the chair back for his wife. Once she's seated, he kisses the top of her head before taking a seat across from her. Sapphire's excitement? It's caused by the cute service dog laying beside their table.

Grinning, I turn back to see Sapphire still staring at them with an expression full of warmth. When her eyes finally meet mine, she sighs dreamily. "I hope I'm gifted with a beautiful, long-lasting relationship like theirs. I admire how in love old people still seem to be with each other after so many years. It warms my heart."

I nod, taking a sip of my soda. "That's one of my goals; to marry one girl and stay with her for the rest of my life. I'd make sure our love never dies..." I trail off when a bitter memory takes over my mind, one I choose to speak out, "Though I guess I can't control if she chooses otherwise..."

"Hey," Sapphire frowns, reaching out to grab my hand in both of hers. "One girl and her mistakes isn't a representation of all of us. I'd never do that to you."

When a pink tint takes over the majority of her face, I let out a laugh before pulling one of her hands towards my lips. I plant a gentle kiss to her knuckles as I keep eye contact. Her blush only intensifies.

"Good to know you're thinking about being with me." Just as much as I am.

Of course I don't say that last part out loud.

She pulls her hand away and places both on her lap, looking anywhere but at me as she chews on her bottom lip. "Gosh, when is the food gonna get here?"

I laugh again, "You know, I like it when you're flustered. I should tease you more often."

She narrows her eyes at me, "Meany."

Just as I'm about to reach out for her, the waiter appears at our table to set down the food we ordered twenty minutes ago. Sapphire immediately beams in appreciation as she stuffs a few fries into her mouth.

I chuckle, shaking my head as I thank the waiter.

"Holy shi–" she quickly cuts herself off, cupping her mouth as she looks around, making sure no one heard her. "These fries are cajun seasoned, Ian! Gah, my tastebuds just exploded. They're freaking delicious!"

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