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h- hey ??? do y'all still remember this story ...

happy new year ^__^


IT WAS SILENT AND AWKWARD inside the classroom, wherein a certain individual named (Name) and Todoroki was sat inside the solemn classroom alone, with only the sounds of bird chirping and cheerful cheers because of the fact that classes have already ended a few minutes ago that can be heard vaguely just outside the window.

You were sat next to Todoroki, with only silence enveloping the two of you.

Should you start a conversation, or not? You were in doubt if you should or not, but thoughts left your mind when you heard frantic coughing next to you.

"A-are you okay?" You spoke with worry laced on your tone, looking at him.

His coughing stopped when you spoke which made him gaze at you.

"Yeah... I'm fine." He replied.

And just like that, silence enveloped the two of you yet again.

This time, you were certain that you would try and start a conversation with him.

"Umm..." You started, which made him look at you. "...why were you fighting with Tokoyami?"

It was quiet for awhile, with him looking at you with no reaction shown on his face. You tried to read his expression, but it was no use.

"...Because you were put to detention...? Why?" He had this tone laced in his voice as if it was the most obvious thing.

You could feel how your face started to heat up at his words, but the poor boy didn't even know how his words affected you so much.

You were thinking if he's naive or just simply a flirt. Or was he just clueless?

Why would he even do that, in the first place? You would ask him if you had the guts to, but unfortunately, you don't have the guts to do that. Or so what you thought.

"Oh... but why would you do that for me?" You couldn't help it. You wanted to know why.

"Ah..." He looked surprised at your question but nonetheless replied. "It's because you were crowded because of me, right? I apologize for that."

Ah. That was all.

You could feel your shoulders drop at what he said. What were you even expecting, anyway?

"Is that so...?"

You decided to rest your head on the armchair for awhile to pass time, resting for a bit until your detention was over.

"...Hey." Todoroki spoke.

"Hmm?" You replied tiredly.

"Do you perhaps want to go on a day or something?"

You suddenly sat up straight at what he said. Did you mishear what he said or what?

"D-Date?" You asked, unsure.

"No, day."

Your brows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

"Like go out for a walk or something. I heard couples do that nowadays." He said hesitantly.

You had to physically put your hand on your mouth to stop the noise coming out of your mouth. "You mean date?"


You had to cough to stop yourself laughing any further. "Where did you hear that, though?"

"...My sister." He looked at you with confusion on his face. "Do you not want to?"

"No- no! I don't mean it that way." You waved your hands profusely to show that you didn't mean it that way. "It's just that... why do you want to go on a date? We don't have to, considering that we're only faking our relationship in school."

He didn't reply to your question. Instead, it was just quiet.

"...So, you don't want to?"

"No! I'd love to!" You said almost too fast when he replied.

FAKE BOYFRIEND ; shoto todoroki Where stories live. Discover now