Secret Is Out

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     A day had passed and I was now leaving the common room for breakfast with Pansy. We were walking down the corridor when we ran into a familiar slytherin barbie. "Hey Draco!" I called out. I got his attention and he smirked strutted towards us. Pansy gave me a confused look. Draco caught up to us.

"So is it okay if everyone knows?" Draco whispered. Pansy cleared her throat trying to get our attention. We turned to her and she smiled widely.

" guys are dating?" Pansy said eagerly waiting for an answer. Her face lit up and she looked so excited. Draco smirked and I nodded my head. Pansy began jumping up in excitement. She wrapped us both in big hugs. I laughed lightly to myself and Draco grabbed my hand. We interlocked fingers and I felt my face heat up. Pansy squealed. "You guys are so cute! Wait so are you going to be affectionate in public now?" She exclaimed. Me and Draco shrugged and traded smiles. We saw Blaise walk up to us and Pansy ran up and grabbed his arm dragging him over to us. "Our Draco and Y/n are dating!" Pansy exclaimed as Blaise's face lit up. He gave Draco a playful punch on the shoulder and gave me a hug.

"I'm so happy for you guys! I knew you'd end up dating since year 1!" Blaise said excitedly. "I mean Draco had a crush on you since he first saw you! You only became apart of our friend group this year because of Pansy. Honestly every night Draco would keep me up every night talking about yo-" Blaise was cut off by Draco placing his hand over Blaise's mouth. Blaise removed his hand and chuckled. My face was bright red. I can't believe Draco used to have a crush on me since first year even though he bullied me. Draco wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we all walked to the great hall for breakfast, laughing the whole way. We entered the great hall and eyes were on me and Draco. He still had his arm around my shoulder. Draco smirked and gave me a peck on the cheek. Draco saw this made a lot of guys in the great hall jealous and he now was smirking smugly. I felt my face flush and I was blushing again. We all took a seat at the Slytherin table. We were sitting at the end of the table. Draco was beside me he grabbed an apple and tossed me one. I don't normally eat breakfast so I placed the apple on my plate.

"Is something wrong? Why aren't you eating?" Draco asked worriedly. He smiled at him and laughed to myself. He gave me a confused look.

"I don't really eat breakfast. I've been like this for years, don't worry." I said reassuringly I placed a soft hand on his shoulder giving him a wide smile. He let out a sigh.

"I really don't understand you sometimes." Draco said laughing softly to himself. I rolled my eyes playfully and we all engaged in conversation. I noticed eyes on me coming from the other end of the table. I looked around only to see Theo staring angrily at me. I rolled my eyes and Draco looked at me and followed my gaze. It took him a second but he realized Theo was glaring at me. "I swear I'll kill that git one day." Draco said in an annoyed tone. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and turned to Blaise as they were now talking. I heard mutters from all over the great hall whispering about me and Draco.


The school day went by quickly. I was now in my last class of the day, Potions. Me and Draco walked with Pansy to portions who was another one of our seat mates. I sighed realizing we also had Potions with Theo. We entered the classroom and all eyes were on us. Snape wasn't in the room yet. We took our seats and everyone was muttering to each other again. Before Snape entered Theo entered the room and took a seat. He was still staring daggers at me but I ignored it. Snape entered the class with his robes swaying behind him. He looked right at me and then at Theo and gave him a look as if he was going to murder him. "Mr. Nott could you please switch seats with Goyle. Snape said while nodded at me after he gave his order. That's was...odd. Theo got up and moved seats with Goyle. Goyle sat down and slouched in his seat.

Y/N and the Slytherin Prince {Draco x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now