The Malfoy and the Weasleys

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It was the day. The day Draco would be arriving at the burrow. I was beyond nervous. I wasn't exactly sure how he'd behave but I wasn't too optimistic it would be completely kind. I was surprised at first when Molly first agreed to it since Arthur and Lucius don't exactly get along. I was still excited I'd get to see him though. It was still early in the morning everyone was still asleep except me. I was still in bed staring up at the ceiling as the sun rose slowly. I decided to get out of bed and get dressed. I changed into a basic black tee shirt and some mom jeans. I brushed my hair and teeth and quietly made my way outside. I walked down to the field and sat in a sunny spot. I watched the sun completely rise, it was breathtaking. I then felt someone tap my shoulder. I flinched after being broken out of my gaze. I turned behind me and saw Harry. I smiled warmly at him and patted the spot next to me. He gladly took and seat and watched the sky with me.

"Sorry for scaring you." Harry apologized. I laughed lightly.

"It's okay! I know you didn't mean to." I explained. His smile grew wider.

"So what are you doing up so early?" He asked.

"I could ask you the same question. Normally you and Ron are the last to wake up." I said giggling. He rolled his eyes playfully.

"No but seriously though, is there something bothering you?" Harry asked genuinely concerned. I shook my head smiling at him.

"I'm not exactly bothered...I'm just nervous for today..." I explained. Harry nodded patted me on the back.

"It's going to be okay. Malfoy is a real git but if he does anything wrong we'll put him in his place." Harry said overconfidently. I chuckled softly and sighed.

"Thanks" I mumbled but I knew Harry heard.

"Thanks for what?" He asked in confusion.

"Thank you for being my best friend and always staying by my side." I clarified. I smiled widely at him which he returned immediately. I pulled him in for a big hug which he didn't hesitate to hug back. It was nice being this close with Harry again.


After breakfast Molly began ordering everyone around to get the house tidy. It was honestly funny to see the twins being forced to scrub the floors. Everyone was excited for this visit except Percy. Percy was on edge about everything. When he found out about Draco's visit he stayed in his room pouting for hours.

Draco was arriving in less then 20 minutes and I was ecstatic and extremely anxious and the same time. Hermione and Ginny were beyond excited since lately they've been pretty invested in my love life. Before we knew it we saw a puff of black smoke and there standing at that spot was none other than Draco Malfoy. Draco took a minute to look at his surroundings he was mesmerized. Right after his gaze finally met mine. I ran up to him and engulfed him in a huge hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist squeezing me tight. I missed this feeling of being with him so much. We pulled away from the hug and he gave me a quick peck on my lips. We then remembered where we were and turned around to face everyone. My face began heating up. Molly had the widest smile on her face along with Hermione and Ginny. Ron even had a tiny half smile. Percy was standing at the stairs and he just scoffed. Fred and George walked right up to Draco.

"Hey buddy you listen here. We don't have a problem with you staying here but you better keep your hands to yourself when you're with y/n." Fred said in a stern tone.

"Yeah or else you'll have to face our consequences." George said. The twins attempted to intimidate Draco with their height and they succeeded. I rolled my eyes and pushed them out of the way. Molly engulfed Draco in a huge bear hug. Draco flinched at first which I think Molly noticed because she pulled away and gave him a comforting smile.

"We really do hope you feel comfortable while you're staying here." Molly said warmly. He gave a quick smile but it faded immediately trying to hide his emotions. "Harry and Ron can show you to their room where you can set up." Molly said calmly. I knew this was killing draco. How he had to spend a week sharing a room with his enemy. Draco nodded and followed Harry and Ron up the stairs. Fred and George walked up to me and leaned down so they can whisper in my ear.

"If he tries anything funny just tell us." George whispered.

"We'll set him straight." They both said in unison. I rolled my eyes playfully and pushed passed them going up the stairs. I leaned in the doorway of Ron's room. I saw Draco and Ron battling in wizards chess. I felt a big smile appear on my face. I noticed in the corner of Draco's eye he glanced at me and saw my smile. Which caused him to smile slightly. Harry stopped watching the game to come over and talk to me. He leaned on the wall next to the doorframe. 

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked.

"I'm feeling confident about this. I'm still a bit nervous but I trust Draco." I said confidently. Our conversation broke when we heard Ron cheer in victory.

"You got lucky weasleb- I mean Weasley." Draco corrected himself while chuckling softly. Seeing that Draco made an effort to not call Ron names made us all happy. Ron gave him a happy smile. I had a feeling right there this week is going to be the chance for new friendships.

Y/N and the Slytherin Prince {Draco x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now