Luchino x Norton

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Warning: Honestly, this story is a bit more intense than usual. There's attempted r@pe, blood, and swearing. So, watch out.

It was a late summer night. The manor was holding a mid-summer festival-like party. Music was blaring, people were yelling over each other and the night was young. Survivors and hunters alike were passed out from the alcohol served by Demi, people were dancing and those less social were locking themselves in their rooms. The insects in the garden and around the manor were noisy, so noisy that people couldn't hear the two people arguing outside amidst all the sound from nature and the party inside. 

"Norton~" A strange man, clearly intoxicated, purred. He pressed his body close to the prospector's, who was desperately trying to push him off.

"Look, I don't know who you are but--"

"I'm one of the manor's cleaners." the man interjected, forcefully grabbing Norton's chin and bringing his face up to look at the survivor's eyes. Norton tried to squirm out of his grip, but the alcohol from the party had made him weaker. He only came out to get fresh air, not to get it on with someone claiming to be a cleaner. 

"I've been watching you for some time, Norton Campbell." The thick smell of alcohol washed over him and he gagged. 'God his breath stinks.'

"I've seen how you play, how you talk to others, what you do in your spare time~" the 'cleaner' pressed himself even closer to Norton if that was even possible. "I know your type, I know what you like, I know what underwear you wear, the scent of the socks you wear..." Norton lifted his leg and kicked the man off of him. 

"Enough!" He yelled, panting heavily. He felt drunker than before and was swaying side to side. "I told you, I want none of this! Get away from me and do your job!"

"But Norton~! I have done my job, you see? I've been working really hard and I thought that I should get a reward~" The cleaner came closer again and attempted to stick his hand somewhere it shouldn't be. Norton swatted it away. His heart was starting to beat quickly, he was afraid of what this man would do to him.

"I don't like you!" Norton shouted, punching the man as hard as he could in the face. The cleaner staggered back, shock briefly showing on his face before he recomposed himself.

"You don't have to. It can be a one night stand~"

"I don't want anything to do with you! I like someone else!"

"I know." The cleaner's composure changed. He seemed to become mad. "And I don't approve."

Norton growled at the man lowly. "And why do I need your approval?" He snapped. The man was acting as if he had the right to dictate what Norton did and didn't do, which was ANNOYING.

"He's a monster, Norton." The cleaner said, his eyes dark and hateful. "He's a horrible thing which doesn't deserve to be called human."

"Luchino is not a 'horrible thing' you pathetic excuse for a cleaner!" Norton yelled angrily. Words were spewing out of his mouth faster than he could control. He was enraged at the fact that THIS man thought he could call Luchino a MONSTER. "You call him a monster and yet you can't take no for an answer! You're a piece of shit!"

"I have done so much for you! What has THAT GUY done?!"

"He has been there for me! He has taken care of me! He has cared for me!"

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