Emily x Emma

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"Okay, is everyone ready?" Emily asked. "Yes!" The patients cheered. Emily smiled, but her smile faltered when she noticed Emma's emotionless face. She had never seen Emma smile, although she had been thinking that perhaps Christmas would brighten her mood. Alas, she had been wrong. She shook her head slightly and broadened her grin. "Okay! Everyone in 3, 2, 1!" Altogether, the clinic yelled "MERRY CHRISTMAS!"
Party poppers exploded and the room was filled with confetti. Martha and Margeretha brought out a table of snacks and drinks whilst Tracy brought out a bag of presents.
"Hey everyone!" She yelled, catching everyone's attention. "Before you guys eat, Santa dropped off gifts for everyone! Come here in a line and collect your gifts!" Children cheered out in joy and rushed over, shoving and pushing each other (gently) out of each other's way. Emma was the only one who didn't move until the line had formed, taking her place at the end. Emily gave her a sympathetic look. Just once, she'd like to see her smile.
The room was filled with happy chatting as children opened their gifts and ate snacks until they were stuffed, unable to move. Tracy's bag became emptier and emptier until it reached Emma. Tracy rummaged through the bag, but found nothing. "S-Sorry. It seems like you don't have one.." Tracy trailed off, looking at Emma worriedly. Emma cracked a smile, the first one Emily had seen in a while, but everyone could tell it was fake.
"Please don't worry! It's fine!" Her grin turned into a frown but she quickly made a smaller smile. "Please enjoy your Christmas, Ms Reznik."
Tracy blinked and stood up, the empty bag in her hand.
"O-oh. Thank you dear. I'll get a gift—"
"Please don't bother, it's fine." Emma interrupted. Tracy opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She couldn't speak. Emily could tell that she was embarrassed and guilty. She could understand.
"Ah, uhm, t-thank you, dear. I-uhm, I must go and put this away now. Please enjoy your Christmas, hun." Tracy quickly scurried away. Emma sighed and walked towards a hallway. I realised that she was going towards her room.
"Poor Emma.." Emily murmured to herself. She desperately wanted to see her smile. It was something about her that made Emily care for her so much. Sometimes it was unbearable. Suddenly, an idea popped into her head and she smiled. Grabbing her bag, Emily quickly rushed outside the clinic into the snow.

Emma's P.O.V
I closed the door softly behind me and leaned against it with a sigh. How embarrassing! The clinic managed to forget that I existed. Everyone else got a gift but when it came to me, the bag was empty! I buried my face in my hands and let out a small whine.
"I can't believe it, oh my goodness..."
And to think that I had been looking forwards to Christmas. I didn't even get to see Emily. I was excited about hanging out with her for she was the only nurse who seemed to really care about me. Not just my health, but my happiness.
"Ah, Emily.." I whispered dreamily. She was also very pretty in her Christmas outfit. I was slightly jealous.
"Oh, how did you know I was here?" A muffled voice asked from the other side of the door.
I yelped and stood up quickly, allowing Emily to enter.
"H-how did you hear me?" I asked. I had whispered it after all. Emily smiled.
"I.. just did." She tilted her head innocently and I decided to brush it off.
"Anyways, I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas, Emma!" She said with a wide grin and presenting a small box wrapped in wrapping paper and topped off with a red bow. My eyes widened.
"E-Emily! You didn't have to!" I stuttered, pushing it towards her. With overwhelming force, Emily quickly pushed it back.
"Ah, but I did! You didn't get a gift from the clinic so I decided you should at least have one from me!"
Unable to hold it back anymore, I let my emotions pour out in a stream of tears.
"Thank, th-thank you! So much! I-I.. this..." I could barely formulate a sentence. Emily smiled, tears starting to form in her own eyes.
"Don't worry, you don't have to thank me."
I shook my head fiercely. I had to. She didn't understand how much this meant to me. After I had calmed down a bit, I looked up to her and smiled for real. It took her back. I could tell since she stiffened slightly and her eyes widened.
"I.. just wanted to say." I paused, trying to find the right words.
"All I really need for Christmas is you. This gift is more than enough for me. So, from the bottom of my heart," I inhaled deeply.

"Thank you."

Hdonwjbjnidnhksmy omg I'm alive. Hello! I finished a Christmas request after Christmas I'm so great at timing. Hopefully this is good! Anyways, let's hope that 2020 is a good year!

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