Chapter 11

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Louis and spent the night mainly talking and i think we know each other better now. We didn't have sex or anything we just sat there in the comfort of each other talking about our childhoods.

I'm awaken by soft snores and a body shifting next to be me. I open my eyes to see that I'm not in my house. I see a tv and couches. I turn my head to see Louis laying down in front of me. Im at his house. I checked the time on my phone to see it says 9 o'clock.

I stood up and stretched and made my way to the kitchen. I searched the fridge for something to eat. Does this guy eat anything healthy? Its mainly candy and and chinese leftovers in here. I was hungry so i wasn't going to be picky. I picked up a box of noodles and chicken and heated it up in the microwave.

"Jess?" Louis called. "I'm in the kitchen" i said.

A tired Louis appeared in the fram of the kitchen rubbing his tired eyes and stretching. "Morning" he said in a yawn. "Morning sleep well?" I asked. "Meh my neck hurts from sleeping on the couch" he said. I shrugged my shoulders and the microwave beeped.

We ate the leftovers and cleaned up after ourselves. It was now 9:45 and i had to go back into the city in order to reach the club on time.

When i reached home i just changed onto my dance clothes cause i already had a shower at Louis'. I grabbed my bag, my waters and my keys and made my way to the club.

A few minutes later im walking into the dressing room. I took my breakfast and placed it in my bag i was still full from earlier this morning.  We made our way to the stage and practiced.

Three hours later we finally finished and was now trying to regain our breaths.

My phone began ringing an dashed into the audience to retrieve it. When i picked it up it was an unknown number.

"Hello Jessica speaking" i said into the phone.

"Hi Miss Oliver, this call is regarding to your audition for Miss. Swift's Tour" the person said.

I gasped holding my breath to hear the news.

"Congratulations you were picked as one of the dancers to tour with her, practice begins Monday" the person said and hanged up.

I stood there frozen. 'I got in, i got in i got in, i got in, i got innnn' i told myself.

"I GOT IN, I GOT IN OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I GOT IN" I screamed out jumping around and doing cart wheels.

"Got in to what?" Victoria asked. "Taylor Swift Dance Crew for her upcoming Tour I GOT INNNN" I said.

They all clapped for me and i finally felt proud of myself my hard work finally paid off.

"What's all this noise about?" Louis asked coming out if his office.

"Jessica got into Taylor Swift's Dance Crew for her Tour" Victoria said.

Louis smiled at me and nodded his head. "Congratulations" he said. "Thank you" i replied. He walked back into his office. I packed my bag not bothering to shower.

Before i left i made a small detour to Louis office. I knocked on the door and he told me to enter.

I opened the door and rest my duffle bag and made my way to his desk. He was rubbing his neck and trying to do work at the same time. "Neck still hurts?" I asked him. He nodded his head and i moved behind his chair and massgaed his neck.

"I knew you would get in" he said. "Thank you" i mumbled. "When do you start?" He asked me. "The person said Monday so i would be busy then, i would still pop up to do shows here as well if we get a week off or something" i said to him.

"You know it's okay if you can't make it right? This tour is way bigger than dancing at a club" he said to me. "Where that might be true, the club was the reason i wanted to dance in the first place and it's like my second home so i will be coming back to continue perform I'm not leaving anytime soon, well except for the tour" i said.

"We should all celebrate tonight" he said. "Can't show tomorrow" i said. "Oh come on you don't need to drink we all could just come over to your apartment and have fun" he said. I thought about for a while and then agreed to it. "Okay" I said. "Great" he replied.

I continued to massage his neck and he moved his head around in slow motion. He let out a small groan and that when i stopped.

"Are you getting turned on by me massaging you...Mr.Tomlinson?" I asjed in his ears. "N-no I-I'm not" he replied stuttering. I smirked and stopped my movements. I turn is chair around and kneeled down to his pants level.

I moved my hands slowly up his thighs and gently palmed his dick. "So if your not getting turned on why is your dick so hard already then?" I questioned him in a seductive tone.

He gulped and squeezed his eyes shut.
"You know we never really got to do what really was supposed to happen last night right?" I said, unbuckling his belt. "Maybe we should fix that" i said. I unbuttoned his pants and took his dick in my hands.

I slowly dragged my tongue around his tip and he sucked in a deep breath. I licked it from the bottom to the top and then finally putting it in my mouth. I bobbed my head up and down slowly, taking in all of his dick in my mouth. "Fuck Jess" he hissed.

I looked up at him watching his reaction and continued sucking on him. I removed my mouth and just moved my hands up and down his dick, he moaned a little and that made me go more. I sucked on it again and this time i went faster. He grabbed my hair and held my head down taking it all in again.

"Im gonna fucking cum Jess" he said. I pulled my head away. "Don't" i said. "I can't Jess let me cum" he begged. "No" i said. And continued sucking on him. He bit his lips really hard trying to hold it in. "I cant just,.....Fuck" he groaned and cummed in my mouth. I pulled back and swallowed it.

I got up off my knees and stood uo watching him as he fixed his pants. "Your gonna pay for that" i said to him. "I told you that i couldn't keep it any longer" he said. "But when you do it to me i have to keep it okay" i said.

"M'sorry" he said. I smiled at him. "Its okay your just gonna have to pay the price" i said. "And that his?" He asked. "We'll see when the time comes" i said.  I picked up my bag and before i left i turned and winked at him. "See you later " i said.

A/N: not much going on here 🤣🤣but Jess got in the dance crew amazing, she gave Louis a bj. What could she possibly mean by he  would pay the price.

Okay this might be wrong to say but Louis fooking Tomlinson could have me anytime of the day and anywhere he wants. I love that man and would do anything for him.

Also i read more HS fan fics so if yall thinking this more of Harry than Louis your probably right but idc i love Louis the most so yeah.

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