Chapter 9

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Mention of abuse in this chapter.
Mature theme as well ✌

"Louis your insane" i said.

"Tell me that you did not have fun that night, i don't need a relationship we-we can be fuck that not the term......urmm.....friends with benefits yeah that come one Jess" he said no begged.

"Yes i did enjoy that night even thou i didn't remember it much...Sigh... No strings attached? Just sex?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"And if any of us well you get attached we break it off" i added. "Why would you assume that i would be the one to get attached?" He asked. "Because i dont do relationships and you practically cane here begging me for sex so yeah" i explained. "I didn't beg i just asked still you said yes" he said. I laughed at his response. He walked closer to me but i stopped him. "Not tonight i just came back from the audition and my body hurts" i told him. He smiled and nodded his head.

"How was that by the way?" He asked. "Well i think some people might hate me because the choreographer used me as an example of a proper dancer and told the rest of them that they were shit" i said and he laughed.

"It's not funny, i mean im glad that he saw that i could dance but at the same time don't single me out" i explained. "Well even if he did single you out you should be happy then there's your chance of dancing with...who are dancing for?" He asked me.

"Oh its for Taylor Swifts Reputation tour" i told him. "Wow okay...well if he singled you out, out of those many dancers then your guaranteed to get the spot" he said. I smiled at his words. "Thanks" i said. "No problem" he replied.

We sat on the couch and i turned on the tv to 'That 70's Show'. "So how did you manage to own so many clubs?" I asked him. "If you dont mind me asking you" i added.

"No no its okay, um it was my uncle self that got me into the whole club business. I studied business in university for a few years got my masters and everything so what i do is when i see a club that about to fall apart i partner with them and invest my time and money into their clubs and make it great and the best club in the state or probably country" he explained.

"Was Melbourne Club falling apart?" I asked out of curiosity. "Oh no no, my uncle just doesn't trust other people with his club so me already owning over 20 other clubs he asked me to take over" he said. I nodded my head.

We watched tv for some while before he spoke up again. "Why don't you do relationships?" He asked. "If you dont mind me asking?" He added. I shifted a little from the thought of answering that question. "You dont have to answer" he said. "No i-its okay" i said.

"Umm i think it was sophomore year of high school umm my boyfriend at the time umm if i remember his name was Ashton. Yeah so we dated for a year before he became all controlling and possessive he told me what i can and couldn't wear, and one day i didn't listen to he uhh..hebeatthecrapoutofme" i explained mumbling the last part.

"I didnt hear that last part Jess" Louis said seriously. I sighed. "He beat the crap out of me. It was really bad someone found me in one of the classrooms and called an ambulance, i woke up in the hospital and i had a cast on my right hand and stitches on my lips and forehead" i explained playing with my fingers avoiding eye contact with him.

"Jess-" he said before he was cut off by the door opening. I looked up to see it was Niall and the rest of the boys.

"Oh good your here" Niall said. "We tried- you good Jess?" Niall asked me. I watched him confused. "Your crying" he said slowly. I placed my hands on my face feeling it wet on my hands. That's one of the things he cause when he beat the crap out of me i can't tell when im crying, someone has to point it out to me. I wiped my face quickly and got up.

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