Chapter 2

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Riley P.O.V.

"Hi Dad," I said, running down the stairs.

"Careful Riley, or you'll fall down the stairs, the fifth time in a row," Dad said trying his best to put up a show that the food he was eating was edible.

"Daaaad!!" I said exasperatedly. "Anyways, what have you made for breakfast today ?"


"Again ?" I said as I made my way to the kitchen counter. "These are burnt". I went to sit on the sofa "Fifth time in a row, I surely broke my record today, but you are continuing the streak. Good work."

"Shut up," said Dad trying not to crack up but failed miserably.

I grabbed the house keys and headed towards the door. "Good luck Riley," Dad said "For the first day of the senior year"

"Thanks, Dad" I grumbled.

I opened the gate of my Toyota, took a deep breath, backed out of the driveway and started on my way to school hoping that this would be a rather uneventful year for me.

I elbowed my friend Will, who was sitting beside me.

"What ?" Will said in a hushed voice.

"Do you know what the hell is going on here ?" I asked stealing a glance at Mr Shukla mumbling something about Trigno.

"Yup" replied Will noting something down. I elbowed him harder.


"It feels bad when you are not able to understand a word coming out of teachers mouth but it feels worse when your friend does."

"Shut up"

"You know, I have heard these two words since the morning like a bajillion times, sometimes I feel like my middle name is 'shut up'. "

"Maybe it is."

This time I punched him.

Later in the cafeteria, when I was nervously tapping my foot on the floor Jasmine asked: "What's wrong ?"


"Spill it"

"Nervous about Chemistry"

"Why ?"

"It's just that we have permanent seats in Chem."

"Isn't it the same for all subjects ?"

"None of you have opted for Chemistry and last time I got stuck with Nancy."

"Ewww.., isn't that 'the lice girl' ? " asked Jacob


"Good luck."

I walked towards my locker glad that last period had finally come. I was in a particularly good mood from my English class. I had gotten Ms. Buffay who is one of the best English teachers in school.

I loved writing stories. Of creating something so fantastic out of nothing. That was why I didn't like other subjects.

My mind was always busy in some story. Whenever I would try to study my mind used to wander of after every 5 mins and I would be like concentrate concentrate.

I stood inside the Chemistry classroom fidgeting with my bag and looked for a seat that neither said 'backbencher' nor 'Ms. know it all'. 

"Hey," said Brandon sliding into the chair next to me.

"What ?" I asked for drinking water. Why is he suddenly talking to me, Mr.Pefect with his Ms.Popular girlfriend? Whatever.

"How u doin', " He asked and I laughed so hard that water spilt out of my mouth and landed everywhere including his "pants".

He looked at me with a horrifying expression "What did you just do ?"

"I'm really sorry to deflate your ego but that was the worst impersonation of Joey I have ever seen," I said, still choking on my laughter.

"Did you -" said Brandon as Ms Hotchkiss entered the classroom.

Brandon was about to get up when he remembered that he had water on the 'Oh not so decent' part of his pants and continued glaring at me.

I tried my best to hold my laughter.

"Good morning class, most of you may know me, I am your Chemistry teacher Ms Hotchkiss. Welcome to your new Chemistry session, I hope you will behave yourself or the loss will be yours." Ms.Hotchkiss said. She was as scary as last year, no change.

"So, without wasting any time I would like to inform you that these are your permanent seats." She said as Brandon and I stared at each other. "And any adjustments will not be welcomed."

"This is all your fault" hushed Brandon.

"My fault? You were the one who wanted to shamelessly flirt with me."

"If not for the dare." Brandon said looking pointedly at his idiot friends who smirked back at him."I would not have walked up here to your nonexistent ass up here."

"At least I'm not the one with the nonexistent brain."

"Quiet, class" Ms.Hotckiss shouted. I smiled triumphantly at him, knowing I had won this argument.

This is SO not going to be an uneventful year, I thought as the voice of my ex-best friend buzzed through the intercom.

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