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𝐎𝐬𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

Well, I guess it's safe to say that I am in a real home. And by that, I mean the lair.

Living here isn't bad at all because there's always so much to do. There is endless entertainment that keeps us away from boredom.

We found this place shortly after the Shredder and Sacks events that happened just a few weeks ago. The guys and Splinter recovered most of the belongings from the previous lair, which was totaled by the Foot Clan and Shredder.

Don found his tech, Raph got his exercise equipment, Mikey got his drumsticks and skateboard, and Leo found his books. And I found my orange rubber chicken.

I named him Nugget...

Leo got his area situated, Raph and Mikey shared two beds, and Donnie has a cut-out in the wall. His bed is the coolest of the four brothers. And my bed is Don's old bean bag which sits right by his bed.

Ever since Sacks and Shredder were put in prison, the guys and I bonded really well. I learned it's good for the soul.

Oh, and my vocabulary improved in just one week after the menaces were locked up.

And Donnie and I have been really close...

In fact, if I'm being honest, out of the brothers I live with he seems to be the most unapproachable. Weird, right? Usually, he's easy to talk to.

I learned to skateboard with Mikey and bond over the great adventures with him in the kitchen. Yes, it can be pretty hazardous in this area. But my leader will invite me to come to hang out with him from time to time.

I find it to be at ease with Leo because I am very active and bubbly while he's so...chill. His ice-blue eyes could penetrate my soul if they wanted to. Other than finding it hard to bond with the guy, we are close in some ways...

On the other hand, I found Raph pretty straightforward with no hidden thoughts being smuggled behind his hazel eyes. I have to be honest and say he gives off a charming personality when it came to his harsh honesty and smooth talk.

Though I have known the brothers for a short amount of time, Donnie still remains a mystery to me sometimes. At the beginning of our relationship as friends, we were very close. We laughed together, learned our weak spots, told secrets, and now... it's been a while since I have actually talked to him. Not even one month later that he began to grow awkward.

It isn't only me avoiding him and observing his behavior from a distance, but he's also avoiding me in some cases. For example; dinner. He's either taking a slice of pizza to his bed or desk when he usually ate with us at the dinner table. Sensei Splinter said he's never done such a thing before. I guess ever since I came to the nest, Donnie has been acting strange.

And this all began like a week after Shredder and Sacks were locked up.

Well, for half a month, we were great! With some odd things here and there when it came to the both of us. But it's almost the middle of April, it's getting boring, and I just wanna know what his deal is.

Right now, I am witnessing Raph and Donnie play a card game called 'Speed' in the kitchen.

"Ha!" Donatello grinned a very rare toothy smile. I don't know why I found this so...dazzling. "Speed!" Don set down a Jack, Queen, King, Ace, a one, two, and a three in a matter of five seconds. "Gotcha, Raph."

"You gotta be kidding..." The muscular turtle tossed his cards on the table. "You shouldn't be allowed to play this sh*t, Don!" He crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair.

"Why?" Don shoots back at his brother, sorting all 52 cards in his hands.

"You are basically a walking computer..." Raph's voice is rough.

"What do you suggest I do, then?" Donnie replied dryly to Raph. "Blindfold my eyes and plug my ears to give you a great chance?"

"Nah," Raph said, scooting his chair back and leaving the kitchen. "I'm done for the night."

"Come on, Raph! It's just a game!" I shout as he retreats into his safe area.

Raph answers back. "Yeah, a game with a newly invented robot!"

"Ouch." Don said bluntly, shoving the cards back into their box. "Hurtful..." He stands from the table and walks from the kitchen, not even acknowledging me. THIS is what I am talking about.

I sighed. "Don." I follow behind him. "Raph, is just jealous that you can beat him at any game." I try cheering him up. I guess it can be hard on him since he is the smartest guy in the home and he gets bashed for it.

"Maybe." He sits in his office chair and shoved the deck of playing cards in a drawer. He barely glances at me and looks back at his computer. He's quiet.

Now, it seems that he has forgotten what kind of mutant I am. Being a shapeshifter gives me a few abilities that all humans can't really sense. I can smell an odor that he has never released before which tells me he's got something going inside his mind. His body language gave it all away. He's fidgeting, he avoids eye contact, and he's becoming very confusing in this underground home. April has told me what guys act like when they are... 'interested' in someone and boy, is Donnie easy to read. "No way," I said.

"What?" He looks up, acting like he just got caught in a crime.

"Are you attracted to me?" I asked. And I wasn't afraid to say it.

When I asked him this question out of the blue, his eyes widen and his lips form in a thin line. He knew I was right. He cleared his throat. "I-I dunno what you're talking about..." He mumbled, scanning anywhere else except for me, scooting up to his desk.

"I mean, I wouldn't be surprised... I do have my charms." I say.

Okay, that one did make him smirk. He replied. "Okay, I am curious. I mean it's the first time I get to see this sort of behavior from a human-- especially in regards to me. I'm also a bit confused."

I lift a finger to scold him. "Okay, first of all: I didn't answer about if I was attracted to you or not. Second, if it was the case, why would you be confused? And third, you obviously know I am not a human anymore."

He shrugged, facing me in his chair. "Hello! Walking humanoid turtle here!"

"So?" I added, arching one of my eyebrows at him. "Attraction is not only a physical level. Ever think about that?"

"Uh, you do make a solid point," Donnie said, smiling widely. "But it is still pretty foreign to me."

"Oh..." I say. "Should I stop?"

"No! Absolutely not!" He was smiling again, his gaze gentle on me.

"Well, if it's safe to say--" I start, but Leo called from the living room, saying it was time for us to get to sleep and start fresh in the morning. Why is it always on point? It's like everyone in this lair knows when there is an important conversation taking place and ends up getting stopped. "To be continued..." That was totally ruined. If Leo didn't shout out, I really could have solved this by confronting Donnie.

But it'll have to wait.

𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝙸𝙸 ♡ (ᵗᵐⁿᵗ '16) 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟸 ❪✘❫Where stories live. Discover now