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2 months later...


It was the month of March when Osa was kidnapped. Also the same month April and Vern met the Turtle Brothers.

This month is special because the month of May is April's month. Funny how she wasn't born in April... April born in April would be a kick. For Osa, it is perfect, it is almost precise!

Osa is helping decorate the lair for April's birthday and she is thrilled to be part of this special day. The reporter turns 30 years old and this chic didn't look a day over 25.

Everything had a place of its own, which made the celebration look vibrant. And because Osa and April connected so well during the previous few months, they were able to mend their relationship. Osa takes a step back to observe the party decor and sought a second perspective. "Does it look okay?" She asked Leo, backing up and looking at the bright yellow streamers in the kitchen. There were some white and yellow balloons to match.

Leo came up behind Osa and smirked at the sight he got. "She'll love it, Osa. Don't worry about it." He nudged her gently.

She sighed in relief and heard Mikey playing around with the helium that is specifically made for balloons. "Hey, man, don't waste the helium. It costs Vern $50 a tank."

"Sorry." Mikey's voice is high-pitched. He chuckled after hearing himself.

Osa departs in search of Donnie. He has been working on something in his lab for the past few days without telling anyone. "Don, April will be here any minute." She walks up to him with his goggles slipped over his glasses.

He stops what he is doing and lifts his advanced specs off his face. "Any minute? What time is it?" He looks at the clock on the wall.

"It's almost 2 o'clock."

"Sweet!" He holds a small object in his hands, dusting off whatever didn't belong on it.

"What is it?" Osa asked, leaning forward to have a better look at it.

Don shows it to her. "Well, since April has been very reliable and a great friend, I decided to make her a watch." He handed it to Osa, letting her examine it. "You know, in case we needed her help..."

It had fine green leather and a few metallic accessories. "It's beautiful," Osa said, lightly touching it with her fingertips. "One of a kind."

"Do you think she'll approve?" Don wanted an honest answer.

She nodded, thinking it was a ridiculous question. "Yes. She'll appreciate it." Osa says, handing it back to him.

"All right..." He spoke softly, feeling a bit relieved. "Thanks, O." He wraps it up in some fine tissue paper and placed a written birthday card in an envelope. When he finished, he turns his gaze back to Osa. "O," Don said, watching her turn to face him.


"About the other night..." He trailed off, slowly getting up off his chair. "I can't contain myself anymore." He bit down on his bottom lip nervously, making his way closer to her. "The day I heard your voice, I wanted to get to know you."

She listened, still somewhat wishing she knew who she was. Osa knows that Donnie wanted to get to know who she was before becoming a shapeshifter. "Yes..."

"And," Donatello continues. "I dunno what it is because I don't understand it. When I look at you, it hurts. It overwhelms me in the best way." He paused, looking into her heterochromia eyes. "Your eyes-- they make me feel great inside..."

She grinned, her bio-lights rippling across her face. Osa understood what he was talking about and felt like her stomach was forming into a tight knot. "So, you're saying..."

𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝙸𝙸 ♡ (ᵗᵐⁿᵗ '16) 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟸 ❪✘❫Where stories live. Discover now