Into the frying pan

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"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck." I muttered to myself as I stuffed the file under my pillow and tuck the ziplock bag into my pocket.

        I threw a blanket messily over the pillow for good measure.

        "Ms. Sheppard." Mr. Holdoway sang.

        "Coming!" I breathed nervously, rolling off the bed and scurrying to the door. I squeezed my eyes shut and inhaled deeply before slowly opening the door.

        "Fox." He greeted, his caramel gaze sweeping over me from my bare toes to my messy hair.

        "Vincent." I mimicked since he thought we were on a first name basis.

        "How are you?" He queried, leaning against the door frame.

        My forehead creased with confusion, but I decided to play along. "Fine and yourself?" I answered, crossing my arms defensively against my chest.

        "I was great until after our little chat." He said, slipping right through the crack I'd left for him and into my room. I blinked in surprise, quickly retreating so that he wouldn't step on my toes.

        "Really?" I inquired nervously, shutting the door.

        "Unfortunately." He murmured a he peered around the room, looking over my numerous posters and books. "I asked Tiffany, my Secretary, to phone someone for me. While we were talking, she sent an aid to fetch said person's number and a few other things. Amongst these papers was a file."

        He turned his gaze on me, clasping his hands behind his back. I began to fidget. "Tiffany said that the aid placed the file on the counter along with the other papers and the number. She also said that you knocked the stack over on your way out."

        He took a few steps closer until my feet were mere inches away from his leather shoes. I focused my gaze submissively on the floor. "Now, I spoke with the aid and he told me that the file was in the stack when he left it on the counter."

        Another step.

        We were toe to toe.

        He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, making me flinch. "I know . . . " He breathed in a slight hiss, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "That you took it, Ms. Sheppard."

        Well, shit.

        I closed my eyes, feeling my pulse quicken.

      I sucked in a breath and turned my gaze up to his defiantly. "I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Holdoway."

        His smile widened, a wry laugh escaping his lips. He shook his head, his gaze moving around my room once more.

        "Bullshit." He said finally when his gaze fell back onto my own. I moved to step back in fear when I saw the smile on his face morph into a snarl, but he caught me by the arms and spun us around until we crashed onto the bed.

        I gasped in surpise, my bare legs nearly curled around his hips to keep from slipping onto the floor. The edge of the matress dug into my back as one hand captured my wirst and the other covered my mouth.

        "Tell me where the folder is, Fox." He said almost casually.

        I blinked up at him in shock.

        I thought the principal of the crazy school would be sane.

        I considered using my free hand to grab a pillow and attack him, but I had nowhere to run. The gaurds would catch me before I could make it out the main doors and it was my word against his. He could accuse me of anything.

        I slowly pulled my arm from under the weight of his elbow and released my tight grip on his wrist. I met his gaze and catiously stretched my hand across the sheets until my index finger pointed to the pillows.

        "See, that wasn't so hard." He smiled, his body grinding into me as he placed his hands on my thighs to right himself.

        I remained paralyzed as he sorted through the pile of blankets and pillows. Slowly, I slid to the floor, a sudden onslaught of tears pooling in my eyes as he found the file.

        Don't you fucking cry, Fox.

        Don't you fucking do it.

        I closed my eyes when he stood before me, easing into a crouch. A single tear spilled down my cheek and I flinched when he reached up to brush it away.

        "It's okay, Fox." He cooed, taking my chin in his grasp. "This," He said, making me finally look at him. He held up the folder. "This is all I wanted."

        He smoothed my the fabric of my skirt until it reached just above my knees, as it had ridden up when I slid down the mattress, and kissed the top of my head before rising to his feet. I dropped my head as he left, shutting the door quietly behind him.

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