CH2-When We Met part2

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The very next year that is in 1989 sachin got a chance to play for India being the first youngest cricketer to play in international cricket. Where as dada continued to play domestic cricket and went to england again to play domestic cricket where he met Rahul Dravid.

(Jammy and dada meet)

Both dada and jammy went to england to play u19 cricket tournament. They both met eachother first time there.

Sourav:Hi....I'm sourav...sourav ganguly. Rahul dravid...and you dont need to introduce yourself I already know you.


Rahul:You are popular in domestic cricket so I'll definitely know..right?

Sourav:Hoo....hehe...actually you are also doing well these days and I have seen you many times with your dad..

Rahul:My dad??? When??

Sourav:Every time we play in Bangalore he comes to see you play ...right?

Rahul:Yaa true....I think you really observed me alot .

Sourav:Not alot ..but normally ..u know...

Rahul: Ok ....

Later they both went to their respective rooms.

Few days later ,

Rahul was sitting quietly in dining room without eating.

Sourav went and sat near him.

Sourav: Hey Rahul ..what's the matter?!

Rahul: Hey hi Sourav ...

Sourav : What happened...why are you not eating?!

Rahul: I don't feel like eating this food ...i want eat some Indian dish ..

Sourav : Ho that's it !!! Come with me !!

Rahul: Where?! And for what?!

Sourav: To my uncle's house to have the best Indian food as you want .

Rahul: What?! Your uncle's house ?! No no no !!

Sourav : Yes Yes Yes!!

Rahul: They won't allow us to go out Sourav....

Sourav : They will allow us don't worry!!

Rahul: But how?!

Sourav : Just trust me !!

Saying that he left from there and came back after a while with team manager .

Manager : Rahul and Sourav can go to his uncle's house for dinner tonight. But make sure you come faster ..ok?!

Rahul: Ok sir ...

The manager left from there.

Rahul : How did you convince him...

Sourav: Shh !! No questions..just come with me.

He took him to his uncle's house and they had a wonderful food .

They roamed on roads for sometime and went back to their hotel.

Rahul: It was great !! Thanks for the food and .....

Sourav: and..??

Rahul: And I had an amazing time with you !!

Sourav : Me too !! It felt good being with you !! And...hmm...good night!!

Rahul : Good night!!

They both left to their respective rooms .

Days passed by ,Sourav and Rahul became good friends.

Later they got back to India and went in their ways.


April 1990,

Sachin was in the dressing room setting his things up .

The then captain of india Azharuddin came inside with a person.

Azhar: Sachin !

Sachin : yes?

Azhar: How is your health now ? Still feeling the nausea ?

Sachin : No cap ...I'm absolutely fine now .

Azhar: Good !! Ho meet him our new comer . His name is 'ANIL KUMBLE '.

Sachin :Ho I heard about him he is quite popular in domestic cricket .

Azhar: And Anil he is...

Anil: There's no need to introduce him . We all know who is Sachin Tendulkar!!

Azhar :Well then !! Both of you carry on I'll leave now !

Azhar left from there leaving duo alone.

Sachin : Let's sit and talk or else my neck will pain looking at you.

Anil: Huh ? Why will your neck pain if you talk to me ?

Sachin : Ofcourse it will  ..your so tall that I have to keep looking up and it will cause pain to my poor neck .

Anil: Ho haha ok ..come then let's sit and talk.

Both sat down to talk.

Sachin : Thank God !! I finally have a teammate who is of my age group.

Anil just laughed .

Sachin : Don't laugh !! I'm serious !! You don't know how I was feeling playing with all these elderly people who are double age. I have know one to share my thoughts and jokes openly . Finally I got you !! Let's be friends..let's share eachother problems and also will have lots of fun and food what say ?!

Anil: Haha sure !!


Next chapters are about their better halves they met them and who they are and their background story.

Hey after a long long time !!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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