Crane feather

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I'm crane feather, a silver gray cat with darker stripes and white paws, I have dark blue eyes and a white muzzle. Our leader is apple star, our deputy is clawed muzzle, the medicine cat, slash eye and tiger paw, collected herbs for the battle that was to happen any day soon. The tribe had set a war on us,  for stealing there prey. None of us had stollen there prey. Lions roar held two small kittens, raccoons dig was also holding kittens. The lions roar placed the kittens in a safe secure place. Night tuft and black ear led some of the cats to a safety zone, a hidden tree stump. The apprentices huddled in there for safety. Black ear sat to guard them, dove sniff and flick foot sat next to him. Apple star huddled us together, we slipped out of camp and prepared at the fighting spot. The battle field. The tribe sat waiting for us. I felt my stomach drop. I felt the kits inside me wiggle. They were afraid too. Prickle tails pelt touched mine, "are you sure you'll be ok," he asked. "I'm sure, I'll just hang back a little and not fight as much," I meowed. prickle tail looked uncertain. I sighed and looked at him, "I promise not to get into the big battle and retreat to slash eye when I need to," I meowed. He nodded. We reached the battle field and sat next to the tribe. Apple star faced Broken rocks, "this is your last time to back down," apple star growled. "Never," broken rocks growled back. Broken rocks unsheathed his claws and scratch apple stars neck. Blood splashed and apple star yowled in pain. "Apple star," yowled night tuft. Clawed muzzle stared in complete fear and shock, as apple star was dead in the grassy ground. "One life down, 2 to go," growled broken rocks. The tribe cats growled in fury. "FIGHT," yowled broken rocks. All the tribe cats came running. I dashed in the other direction, dogging a leopard colored she cat. She growled in fury, I jumped up and clawed her eye. She backed off swiftly, I leaped around her, jumping over her back and scratching her side. Prickle tail leaped over me and landed on her back. He bit her neck hard. She yowled in pain. "I'm leopard claw and im going to kill you," the she cat half yowled half cried in pain. I looked terrified at her. Sudden pain made me fall to my paws. "Crane feather, run!!" Yowled prickle tail. I struggled but I couldn't. I wasn't too badly injured, but something was weakening me and I t was more painful than anything I've ever felt. Leopard claw had escaped prickle tails grasp. In fear in got to my paw and walked, less than 2 feet and I dropped. Leopard that claws the throat took this for advantage and leaped on my back. She bit my neck and scratched at my back. I screeched in pain. "GET OFF OF HER," prickle tail yowled grabbing her shoulders with his claws and throwing leopard claw in the other direction. Prickle tail clawed at her, she was blood red with blood, not her blood, but my blood.  I sat, drifting off. Our clan running around in terrible battle. In the battle I saw my mother. Snake bite, she stared horrified at my body. She came running but a large black Tom flung into her tossing her across the field. Blood flew in the air as clawing battling cats fought to the death. Apple star struggled to fight too, with his last life he couldn't die. Clawed muzzle layed dead in the middle of the field. Slash eye was dragging his body away from the battle. Night tuft and lions roar were attacking a small Tom, but without any warning three large cats landed on top of night tuft and lions roar, leaving them half dead in the field. Lions roar and night tuft were too injured to fight, they both retreated to slash eye for healing herbs. Flash foot tried to fight but the young Tom was also killed. I felt someone dragging my limp body. It was slash eye. I gritted my teeth in pain. No no!!!! It's too early for me to have my kits. "Slash eye!!! MY KITS!" I yowled in pain. "Yes, I see. There coming 2 months early," she softly Mewed. Tiger paw sat and stared in shock, "I-is she going to be o-ok slash eye?" Tiger paw stiffened in fear. "She will be ok, I hope," slash eye whispered. I gritted my teeth in pain. "Just push, they might be coming early because they are dead. Or because you are dying. I can't tell," slash eye growled, "this has never happened before!!" Slash eye brought a stick and stuck it in my mouth, "bite on this," she meowed in worry. I did as she said and I bit down at the stick while pain struck my body. "One kit," meowed slash eye, suddenly slash eye gasped in shock, "I'm so sorry, crane feather, but she's dead," she softly meowed. I softly whimpered. "Oh piper kit, my darling kit. I'll see once more in moon clan," I meowed softly to the small ginger body. "May moon clan accept you as one of there's, piper kit," meowed slash eye. More pain engulfed me, "the second kit," meowed tiger paw. "A Tom kit, this ones alive," tiger paw yowled happily. I looked over a the small kit, he was bigger than his sister, "I will call him buzzard kit," I meowed. Tiger paw placed buzzard kit next to my stomach so he can gain strength from my milk. Buzzard kit was a handsome pale ginger and black Tom. This pain caused me to snap my stick in prices. "The third kit," meowed slash eye. "This ones a she kit, she's alive!" Tiger paw yelped in joy. They licked the small blueish she kit and placed her with her brother. More pain and agony. "Fourth kit!! Tom kit," tiger paw meowed. "He, he's dead," she slowly added. I frowned, "well, may moon clan accept you, flash kit," I softly meowed. "May we see him again in moon clan," slash eye added. "The fifth kit, she kit, she's alive, but weak," slash eye meowed. They licked the small white she kit clean then she was placed next to her siblings. "Daisy kit, she'll be called daisy kit," I meowed. I looked at my dead sons, flash kits ginger pelt was still matted and wet, and buzzard kits fur was already getting fluffy. Prickle tail broke through the bushes. "Are the kits ok," he meowed alarmed. "Three are good, 2 didn't make it," I weakly meowed. "What are there names?" He asked. "This tan one is buzzard kit, the blue one is moon kit, the white one is daisy kit. That dead ginger one is flash kit and the other one is piper kit," I said. I sat, blood rushes out of me. Around me was a puddle of blood. "I didn't bring any birth supply's, I wasn't expecting anyone to give birth!" Yowled slash eye, "there's nothing I can do to stop the bleeding!!!" Tiger paw looked at the herbs, "mallow always helps with bleeding!!" Tiger paw meowed chewing up the mallow into a gross half liquid, she applied it to my wounds. I gagged slightly. She wrapped it in cobwebs and placed some mystery herbs at my nose, at this point I could smell nothing, I could see nothing, I could feel nothing, but I could still hear. I licked up the herbs and swallowed them. I soon drifted into I deep sleep.

When I woke flash kit and piper kit were still next to me. There small dead bodies were solid and cold. "Ah, yes. Crane feather," slash eye meowed. My kits suckled softly at my stomach. "Your kits are two days old, your wounds are starting to heal," meowed tiger paw meowed. I looked at my dead kits, "a-and why are my dead ones still here?" I asked. Slash eye sighed, "we wanted you to bury them, they are your kits," explained slash eye. "Ok," I meowed. Something felt off, something felt wrong. I looked at my kits, daisy kit was alive, so was her sister and her brother. I sighed in relief. I struggled to my paws, I tried to step but I fell, nearly landing on my kits. "Er, sorry about that. Uh, one of your legs was too hurt to heal, so we removed it," meowed slash eye. I looked at my kits, who were almost 3 times the size of there dead siblings. "I've been here for more than 2 days haven't I," I meowed. "Er, yes, you've been sleeping for almost 2 weeks," slash eye meowed. "H-how did I survive?" I asked. "Well we had to feed you, we fed you burdock root to help with your milk," meowed tiger paw, "your kits stayed with you the whole time, even flash kit and piper kit". "I-oh, I'm starving," I weakly Mewed. "I got you a nice plump raven," meowed tiger paw. "Th-thank you, tiger paw," I meowed taking a huge bite of the delicious raven. I ripped through its flesh and ate it, "this is the best raven ever," I meowed. "Ready?" Asked slash eye. "M-yes," I meowed. I got to my paws and struggled to leave the den, tiger paw would watch my living kits. I grabbed piper kit and slash eye grabbed flash kit. We walked to the burial grounds. I gently placed piper kit on the soft ground, then I started to dig. The soft ground was easy to dig at since it was moistened from the recent rain. I dig and wide and deep enough hole to place both of my kits in. Slash eye gently placed flash kit into the hole, I lifted up piper kit and placed her next to her brother. Slash eye tossed dirt on them. I patted them down. "The burial is done, may they rest peacefully in moon clan," meowed slash eye.

Crane feathers deathWhere stories live. Discover now