The night of death

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The night of death was soon, that must be what felt wrong. All cats would be sacrificed that had been training with the night of death. The night of death was a clan of undead ghost, they took living cats with small evil intentions and made them train in hell with them. They planned a night called the night of death, where we would all be sacrificed. Only the ones that trained with them. Death claw was the ancient death god. He was to absorb our souls and eat our bodies, so that nothing is left of us. We're nothing but memories. Over one hundred cats will be sacrificed. This sacrifice was to keep him alive and thriving, so that one day his true form can be one again and he will take over the whole forest. "Crane feather, you feel it, don't you," slash eye asked. "Yes," I meowed in shock. "Well, moon clan cane to me in a dream last night, they said that the night of death will be taken down by a brave puppy," slash eye meowed looking at the darkening sky, "well night is almost here, better head back," she meowed. I limped staggering back to camp. I slipped into the medicine den and fell asleep next to my kits. Tiger paw gave my some burdock root to help keep my milk for my kittens. I placed my head on my paws and fell into a soft sleep. Soft paw and spotted paw payed me a visit. "Oh my, there so cute!!" Squealed soft paw with excitement. Spotted paw licked her paw and quickly swiped it over her eye, tiger paw smiled proudly, "you see, spotted paw, aren't they so cute," Tiger paw proudly meowed. "Wow, you must be so proud, Crane feather," meowed spotted paw. "I am, these kits are gorgeous, aren't they," I meowed looking at my kits.

Morning rose and I blinked opened my eyes. "This is the three week mark," slash eyes response made me jump a little. Daisy kit and the rest have had there eyes open for just about a week and a half. "They should start walking soon," meowed slash eye, "most 3 week kits walk at the age of 3 weeks, some take longer than that," slash started asserting her herbs, "this means you can go back to the nursery," Tiger paw added helping slash eye assort her herbs. Daisy kit meowed in slight fear as she set her paws in motion for the first time, "mommy," she squeaked. "Yes darling," I meowed. "Look!" She proudly walked over to tiger paw and back to me. "Wow, great job daisy kit," I proudly meowed, "your doing wonderful." I've never felt so happy in my life. Buzzard kit tried to get to his paws, but he tripped and went face first into a pile of leaves. "MOM, help I'm lost," he yowled. "Sweetheart, your just in some leaves," I meowed, bending down and picking him up. I placed him next to moon kit. Daisy kit and moon kit slowly walked around on there small unstable legs. Buzzard kit also tried to walk around on his unstable legs. I felt worried about buzzard kit, he wasn't walking as well as moon kit or daisy kit. Moon kit and daisy kit played, tossing moss and leaves around the den. After a long day of helping my kits walk, I was ready to sleep. Tiger paw helped me get the kits from the medicine den to the nursery. I passed out in the den, ready for a good nights sleep. Raccoons digs kits, amber kit and stripe kit, didn't stop mewling. "You kits are practically apprentices, start acting your age," raccoons dig meowed in stress. Amber kit and stripe kit stopped and curled up to sleep. The night was peaceful. Nothing was planned on happening but. Hey n the middle of the night well all were sleeping, the tribe found us and attacked us. I didn't realize until raccoons dig shook me awake! "Wh-what!" I meowed. "The tribe, there attacking," yowled raccoons dig, "we shouldn't move, we must stay here and hide," she tucked her kits further in the den, "amber kit, you and stripe kit go through the exit," raccoons dog ordered her kits, amber kit ran with stripe kit following as they dug a quick hole that opened up into another cave. Amber kit leaped through and ran off, stripe kit close behind. Raccoons dig looked at me, "you and your kits go," she meowed. "No, let amber kit take my kits with them," I meowed. I got up and went through the hole, amber kit and stripe kit were still there, "take my kits," I meowed. "Ok, we'll protect them with our lives," stripe kit meowed. I handed them my kits one by one, then I patched the hole. Leaving my kits with amber kit and her brother. "Come on, Crane feather, we HAVE to fight to keep our kits safe and hidden," raccoons dig said running into the battle. Prickle tail was our leader, since apple star had died in the last battle. His deputy was lions roar. One arch clawed and battle with a nearby cat. I saw leopard claw, I leaped on top of her. I ripped at her fur. She rolled onto her back crushing me with her weight. Where was spotted bounce? I thought about fog kit. Where were they? I growled, scratching helplessly at leopard claws back. She leaped up in surprise as blood drew from her back. She whipped around and clawed my face, "reoow," I yowled. "Stop that," I growled as she continued scratching at my face. "This is battle you flea bag, there's no stopping," she growled. "Please, I'm a cat, like you. I sleep, I breath, I fight, I love, what makes us different," I cried at her. "You don't have pain," she meowed hardly, her eyes glittered in pain and loss. "I have pain, I've lost my mother, my father, my brother, and two of my kits," I meowed. "But not the pain I feel," leopard claws pelt bristled as her eyes glistened in pain, her claws unsheathed, "you will pay for the pain you've caused me," she growled scratching my side, causing me to bleed onto the ground. "I've never done anything to you," I growled. She looked helpless, she looked like a lost kitten who had lost everything important to her. "It's not you, someone here took everything from me," she growled softly. I looked at her, she slither over, sitting in the muddy ground as tears ran softly down her chin. I didn't know what to do but this helpless cat needed some love. I sat next to her, it would feel awkward to her so I didn't get too close. "Pain is a part of life," I meowed, "I've lost my mother to battle, my father to a dog, my brother committed suicide because his mate and kits died. I still live on," I said softly to the saddened cat. "How do you live on with that much pain," she asked. "You just know that there always there, and one day you'll see them again in moon clan. Even if they weren't born here they'll still be there for you," I explained. Leopard claw clearly would never let go of whatever caused her this pain, but I could feel she felt better. Tears still ran down her face, thinking of whatever caused her pain. "M-my brother, my closest friend, The only cat I had when living as a loner. He-he went to hint alone while I was taking care of my kits. He never came back, I went looking for him, leaving my kits in the den. He had been killled by a patrol. I dragged his body back to our den, to find that a fox had found my kits, only one survived. This caused me so much pain, that I killed cats for no reason. I don't know who killed my brother but they will pay," she softly meowed, her voice grew higher in anger, I stood up as she unsheathed her claws and arched her back. She ran back into the battle, fighting with no care.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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