a lovely cuddle session

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(I'm like really sorry this suck so much but I'm tired as hell right now and my mind is mush. No motivation go brrrrr. But I did try)

(I'm pretty sure this request was from XxWeirdRiceBallxX if not please correct me)

Celestia had just gotten out of the shower, her large drills hung up somewhere in her gothic victorian styled bedroom (yes her drills are fake 😳)

She wrapped a towel around her body and one around her hair to make sure it didn't drip everywhere. Celestia grabbed the cloths she had neatly layed out in her bathroom counter to slip on after her shower and out them on. It was nothing as nice as her normal every day wear. Just a simple black shorts with almost silk like shorts with lacy edges. (Even when lounging Celestia has to be fancy 🙄) 

She removed the towel from her head and walked out of her personal bathroom letting on a small smile as she saw her boyfriend Kiyotaka laying on her bed reading a book. She had always admired to moral compass, and to believe she had been vulnerable enough to actually date him amazed her. She would never open up to a person in such a way...but him?....he was special to her, she would o anything for him.

"Hello my love" the girl said in her soft and safisticsted voice.

Takas head perked up as a smile appeared on his face at the sight of his girlfriend, he honestly had never thought he would end up with her. The boy thought he would never get over his crush on the biker gangs leader....but he did...and boy was he glad. Mondo was the one who actually helped him work up the courage to ask her out on a date. 

"Hello dear, was your shower nice?" Taka closed the book setting it on the bedside table next to the lamp.

"Yes, it was quite relaxing." Celeste layed down next to him on the bed laying her head on his shoulder closing her eyes yet not drifting off to sleep. "What book are you reading?"

"I don't know, the book had no tittle on it,but it was very interesting"

Celestia didn't exactly respond. She just let out a happy sigh. "Maybe try describing the book to me and I might remember the tittle"

And with that he began explaining. He went on and on about the events, she wasnt really listening to what he was saying, more eof how happy his voice was. Just enjoying the sound of it ringing through her ears. Oh how much she loved him could never be expressed through words. 

And although the sweet sound of he pertners words was quite entertaining, it was getting a bit late, and she was beginning to get tired. Slowly she had fallen asleep. Once Ishimaru had realized this he stopped talking and let out a small breathy chuckle kissing her forehead.

They had been dating for a while now,but he still didn't find it appropriate for him to sleep in the same bed as her, so he slowly slipped away making sure her head was tested comfortabley on the pillow and that she had just enough of the blankets to where she wasn't to hot or cold. That was very important to him. Ishimaru flisked off the lamp and before leaving the room he mumbled. "I love you so much my dear" and with that he closed the door, a smile plastered to his face.

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