"She was the girl who would rather dance among the stars and flirt with her fantasies. But it seemed her universe was always conspiring to break her wings..."
After suffering the unthinkable, Rachel was determined to push forward in life. She faces...
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"You sure you're going to be okay by yourself?" Ryan questioned. His leg bounced every now and then as he exchanged glances between Rachel and Ryker's house.
Rachel seemed hesitant to leave his car. Unsure whether entering the house where a man claimed her as his own was a wise idea or not. Although she was now with Ryan, it didn't seem to stop Davis from 'claiming' her. She assumed she previously set the record straight that she had no interest in Davis, but it clearly wasn't enough.
"I'll be okay. It's just that I kinda want to go back to your house and watch movies all day." She smiled at her best friend and lover.
Ryan laughed. "I swear, you are too adorable. We can do that after your friend's cookout. She's been asking for you right? I feel bad for taking up all your time."
Rachel quietly sighed. "Alright. I'll text you whenever I'm ready to leave."
The lovers exchanged hugs and kisses.
"Okay baby. I won't be too far. I'm going to go see my father and his new family not too far away." Ryan said as she was getting out of the car.
"They are your family as well. No matter how much you dislike the idea, he's still your father. He doesn't love you any less than before. Just bear with it a little."
Ryan was against his parent moving on, too hooked on the idea that if the love was real then they would eventually work their matters out. He was only in denial until he had a deep conversation with his mother.
In some cases, love just fades away.
With a quick wave, Ryan drove off to his destination while Diana was waiting in the doorway of her home. Rachel noticed a familiar black on black truck with tinted windows, a vehicle similar to the person that picked Rosemary up from school before.
"I haven't seen you in forever, I'm happy you decided to come!" Diana beamed. She pulled Rachel into a tight hug.
"I'm sorry about that, I'll come around more often. Between school, dance practice, and my boyfriend, I've been busy lately."
"Boyfriend? Was that the cutie that just dropped you off?" Diana asked.
"Yup. We've been dating for a while now. Hey, who black truck is that?"
"Oh, I think that's Ethan's truck. He's one of Davis trusted men. Why wassup?"
Rachel shook her head. "Nothing. I just thought I've seen it a couple of times."
"Let's go in. I want to introduce you to everyone. The crowd is outback waiting for the meat to finish grilling."
Rachel and Diana walked through the large house, not a soul in sight but they could hear voices coming from the back yard. There was a variety of food scattered on the kitchen tables and countertops along with other junk food. Beer and multiple liquor bottles sat in different parts of the kitchen out of the reach of children.