It's been over a month since Ryan broke up with Rachel and it's been nothing but hell. People started bullying her while her friends watched from afar. It's gotten to a point where she changed her class schedule around so she no longer had classes with certain people. However, she still had lunch with the same group of people. Instead of sitting with the usual people, she opted to sit alone. That is until Carter and two of his friends decided to join her. Even if it was briefly, she was thankful for the peace.
"Hey, Rachel" Rosemary walked over to the table.
"Don't try it," Carter intervened.
"I did nothing wrong. Why are you being mean? I just wanted to give a good friend a heads up. There's a video going around school."
Rachel questioned Rosemary, "What?" She looked around the cafeteria to see students looking in her direction.
Granted the video was not being circulated but, in fact, it was shown to several people, Rosemary still had an obligation to gloat. The video was of Rachel getting frisky with Davis way before she agreed to be committed to Ryan.
Rachel spent the remainder of the day with her head down. At least then she couldn't see the grins or the pointing.
Rachel had decided to see a movie by herself to get her mind off the situation for a few hours. After she decided to do a little shopping for the summer, she bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry," Rachel mumbled. Rachel looked up to see a familiar face.
"Hello, young lady. How have you been?" It was an older man from Davis's cookout who went by the name pops.
"I-I'm good." Rachel said averting her puffy eyes. "Just getting some fresh air."
"Mmm. You sure you okay?"
Rachel mustered her best smile and nodded, yes. "I really should be going. My mother worries when I'm out for too long. It was nice seeing you again." She waved and walked away.
'Pops' eyed the girl in worry. Rachel was like an open book, easy to read. From his observation, Rachel looked thinner compared to before with noticeable bags under her eyes.
"Yo," Davis answered his phone.
"What's going on between you and that ole lady of yours? How many times do I have to tell you young folks; take care of your significant other. I'm not the one to get in the middle of conflict but the poor girl looks sick. How about I cook my famous gumbo and bring it over?"
"What do you mean sick? Where are you-aren't you supposed to be at home resting old man?" The old man could hear shuffling on the other end as Davis talked.
"Nevermind about me, young man. Rachel is too thin compared to the last time I saw her, she looked like a lost puppy before she noticed me at the mall."
"I'm on my way." Davis hung up.
Rachel tugged on her hood to shield her from the rain as she walked alongside the sidewalk. She wasn't in the mood to be around people and decided to walk to the next bus stop a couple of miles away.
Her thoughts were interrupted when a car pulled up beside her.
"Come here, Rachel!" Davis yelled.
The last person she wanted to see was the person that caused her trouble. She ignored him and continued walking. When Davis kissed her with the knowledge of her relationship, she knew she was done with him.

Endgame (rough draft)
Romance"She was the girl who would rather dance among the stars and flirt with her fantasies. But it seemed her universe was always conspiring to break her wings..." After suffering the unthinkable, Rachel was determined to push forward in life. She faces...