Please leave Among Us alone.

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“Hey,” Red mumbled, standing behind Cyan as he tried to tap two differently coloured wires together.

Cyan didn’t turn, but nodded in acknowledgement. “Hey yourself.”

He was engrossed enough in his task to not feel Red’s arms slip around his body and press his hands onto his ribs, and he didn’t notice, not until Red gently took the zipper at his collarbone and started pulling it down.

And as well as that, Red’s helmet was similar to a gas mask, so Cyan could feel his warm breath against his neck, and it made him shiver.

“... Ok, what are you doing.”

“Mmh. Nothing.”

As he started to register what was happening, Cyan thought about fighting back, but then he realised how badly he actually wanted- no, needed this.

I mean, come on, they’d all been on the same ship for seven weeks, and Cyan wasn’t desperate enough to wanna touch them (except sometimes he’d come in his pants like some sort of teenager reading Demetri comments on Reddit whenever he thought too much about Red).

Besides, Cyan did find Red kind of hot, and he was pretty touch-starved-

“If you wanna fuck me,” Cyan huffed almost impatiently, closing the wire panel as he finished the task just then and turned around to face Red, “then just say it.”

“Fine,” Red grunted, pinning Cyan to the wall. “I wanna fuck you. Hard.”

Cyan yelped in surprise when Red’s tendrils grabbed his wrists and yanked them above his helmet.

“And I want you screaming for me.”

- - -

“So. Leeches-” Green began, but then Yellow cut him off.

“We are NOT having this discussion again.”

White glanced across the table and at the pair, amused. “Aw come on, let the man speak - he has a point.”

“Shut up, you rip-off Corpse Husband.”

“Fight me, suka—”

He grunted as Blue gently swatted his head, frowning in annoyance.

“Don’t be mean,” he mumbled. “besides, where’s Red and Cyan? It’s spaghetti today, and they both love it.”

“Maybe we can find them on the cameras?” Green suggested.

Then, as if in a silent agreement, everybody stood up, left their plates, and started towards the camera room.

Blue went ahead of them, entering the room first and turning them on-

And then surprised everybody by letting out some sort of noise of exclamation.

“Er. What is it, comrade-”

The other three froze as they stared up into the screen - and watched in surprise as Red fucked Cyan into the wall.

They all let out a collective ‘oh’ as Green fell backwards and passed out.

“O-oh fucking h e l l —” Blue covered his eyes over his helmet, while Yellow continued staring, reaching down to poke Green awake.

“We- we should probably t-turn the monitor off and-”


Blue stared at White, sputtering and steaming madly. “What do you m e a n, no?”

“I mean, ‘no’. This could be... Good research.”

Green finally woke up, and was blushing so hard that you could actually see the blush pass his helmet. “I- so we’re just gonna watch while they-”

“Fuck, that’s- kind of hot.” Yellow whispered, shaking a bit.

So without further ado, they all proceeded to watch the cameras without hesitation.

- - -

Cyan whined shamelessly, body quaking with excitement as Red’s stupidly long and slimy tongue wrapped around his length.

The scientist almost felt ashamed that he was enjoying this so much - he used to be one hell of a Dom before, and now he was nothing short of a writhing bitch under Red’s control.


The word stood out in his mind, hands clenching into fists as he THOUGHT he felt teeth, a heated grunt bubbling from his throat when his ears were filled with the sweet sounds of Red’s own moans around his member.

“Oh, Red,” Cyan gasped out. “please Red, please-“

He already felt his climax coming to hit him like a bat agains a baseball, his cherry ready to pop any second now, and he braced himself to cry out passionately-

When Red just.


His tongue removed itself from his member, and he got up, now level with Cyan, who was quivering with both utter rage and pure bliss.

“Not yet,” He heard Red whisper huskily as he reached down for his own zipper. “I wanna feel good too.”

Cyan was helpless - all he was able to do was whimper as the alien in front of him grab his own cock and start to circle the tip with his thumb.

He pressed his left elbow into the wall, right next to his head, panting softly as he jacked himself off.

Cyan struggled against the tentacles now, desperate to come, he was s o fucking close, but they were too strong; Red moaned a bit louder now, setting a quicker pace as he felt a feeling similar to having warm honey poured into his veins.

And then he came, the cum spurting in thick ropes over Cyan’s own member, aggravating him even further.

“Fuck’s s a k e, Red, lemme come already—”

And he yelled in absolute blinding pleasure as Red grabbed his dick and squeezed it, fisting and milking him for all it was worth, as Cyan practically choked on his own sobs, body wracking with them.

When Red’s tentacles finally let go of his now achingly sore wrists, he collapsed onto his big body, gasping for breath.

“Mm...” Red hummed, embracing Cyan lovingly. “You did so well, love...”

“L-love?” Cyan chuckled shakily, hugging back. “Well, if... You insist.”

Almost instantly did he drift to sleep.

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