Chapter 15

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A couple days later you go to his house to hang out.

"Y/n, I've got a little surprise for you." Tommy says to you, his hands behind his back.

"Oh my god what is it?"

"Close your eyes."

"Fine," I close my eyes and put my hands out. It's two train tickets to Brighton. "What's in Brighton?" you ask.


"OMG really? I'm so excited I get to meet him! This is going to be so much fun!"

"I know right? Pack your bags because we are going this weekend!"

"Yay! I can't wait!"

That weekend rolls around and you are stepping into your train. "So we get there Saturday morning, sleepover that night, then leave Sunday night. Plenty of time to hang out and get a good video in." Tommy says to you. "Sounds like a plan!" you say. It's 6 o'clock in the morning, and you're really feeling it once you sit down. You sleepily scroll through your phone before falling asleep on Tom's shoulder. You can tell he likes it but would never admit it. Besides, he's comfy.

He gently wakes you up about two hours later. "Y/n," he whispers, "We're here." You groggily collect your things and you leave the train. "Tubbo will be here to pick us up, so I want to be filming to get your reaction," Tommy says, whipping out his camera. In addition to getting camera shy, you're also nervous of what Toby will think of you. You're dating his best friend he's known forever. You turn a corner and hear "Tommy! Y/n!" Your nerves ease up as you see a tall boy with messy hair waving at us. "Tubbo!" Both you and Tommy yell as you run to hug him. "It's so cool to finally meet you!"

"Same here! This is so exciting!" He walks us to his car and you talk and sing Hamilton all the way to his house. You drop off your stuff but it's two o'clock and you haven't eaten yet so Toby takes you both to lunch. You walk to a table and Tubbo pulls out a chair for you "M'lady."

"Thank you!" You say, surprised.

"Tubbo you aren't trying to steal my woman, are you?"

"No! I'm just being chivalrous!"

"Yeah, Tommy! Why aren't you ever chivalrous?" you say.

"What? What is this? You're turning her against me?"

"Yeah, I think I actually prefer Tubbo better. You want to hang out later Tubbo?"

"Yeah sure! Let's not invite Tommy though."

"Yeah, he's too clingy." You both look at Tommy to see his reaction.

"A- wha- I-," he says, trying to play along but failing to hide his smile. You continue to tease and laugh until the end of lunch when Tommy pays because 'you are both too clingy'. You leave and walk down the street, looking in shop windows and pointing out cool places. Eventually you drive back to Tubbo's house and sit and talk with his parents and siblings. You and Toby are talking to his mom when he nudges you and says, "Do you want to go start a stream without Tommy?"

"Yeah! That'll be funny!" You sneak off to his recording room and turn on the livestream.

"What's up you guys! Guess who I have with me?"

"Hi!" You say, giggling. The chat flys by.

"Where's Tommy? The chat is asking where's Tommy?"

"He's irrelevant. We don't need him anymore."

"He was too clingy." You both laugh.

"What is going on?" You hear Tommy behind the door and you swap expressions with Tubbo that say, 'uh oh'. He opens the door and looks utterly betrayed while Tubbo and you giggle nervously. "Are you streaming? Without me?" Silent expressions are exchanged before Toby and you burst into laughter. Tommy feigns anger, but you can tell he's not really upset. He curses you out, then sits next to you and you continue the stream. 

 A/N Here's some free Tubbo content for all of you. Also we hit 3k reads that's pretty pog :) Drink some water today and don't forget to reduce, reuse, recycle!!

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