Chapter 16

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It starts to get late and you finish about two hours later. You yawn and go to the guest room where your overnight bag is set out. You change into a baggy sweatshirt and some pajama pants, then walk back into the boys' room. They both look at you startled and guilty and you ask, "Am I interrupting something?"

"No," Tommy replies a little too hastily. I give them a suspicious look, then change the conversation.

"What now? A movie?"

"Lady's pick," Tubbo offers. I scour my mind for my favorite movies.

"We could watch Wall-e, Coraline, or the Corpse Bride," I suggest.

"Coraline is too creepy," Tommy says.

"Wall-e is too sad," Toby says.

"Corpse Bride it is!" You set it up on Toby's TV and sat on the bed, you, then Tommy, the Tubbo. You gush at all of your favorite parts and rest your head on Tommy's shoulder once you get tired. It was really late, and the flickering movie combined with the warmth radiating from your boyfriend slowly lulled you into a peaceful sleep.

A/N These are my favorite movies but you can switch in your own!

~POV switch to Tommy~

It's hard not to be a little jealous of Tubbo. I keep biting my tongue during lunch. He's my best friend, she's my girlfriend, they're supposed to get along. But I still can't help but ache a little every time she laughs at one of his jokes. When I look up and the two of them have disappeared, my heart falls to the pit of my stomach. I go to his room and hear quiet giggling from behind the door, accompanied by the noises of donos and the stream. I sigh with relief, but the feeling doesn't go away completely. Putting on my 'Tommyinnit' persona I open the door and find y/n and Tubbo giggling with each other. My guilty heartache returns but I don't show how hurt I am. We sit down and have a perfectly normal stream, but I carefully watch my best friend to make sure he doesn't get too close to her. Afterwards, y/n leaves the room to change. Toby looks at me, a little concerned.

"Are you all right?" He asks. Of course he knew something was up. I shrug off his question but he just looks at me with an even deeper expression. "You really like her don't you? Like really, really like her. That's why you were acting so strange! You're jealous!" He didn't say it angrily, he said it almost joyfully as if he had cracked the case.

"Listen I'm sorry I-"

"Don't apologize, it's all right, we're still best friends. Nothing has changed between us." The tender moment is interrupted when y/n walks into the door. We must have looked like we committed a crime or something because she asks,

"Am I interrupting something?"

"No!" I quickly divert her attention to a movie to watch and we all snuggle on the bed. I try to pay attention to the movie but my gaze can't stay off of her face. Her reactions to the movie, her small, absent-minded smile, it's all far more entertaining than the scene on the TV. Later, I'm actually invested in the plot when I feel y/n rest her head on my shoulder. I internally melt. Butterflies fill not only my belly but feels like my entire being is fluttering. I look at Tubbo who is already gauging my reaction. We smile and do a small fist-bump. 

A/N Did someone say... angst? No? Just me? Not to be dramatic but next chapter is going to be the last one. Take care of yourself today and always wear a seatbelt!

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