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Hours pass and Ryland and Jaylenn are still just enjoying each other's presence. They walk to the snack bar and Ryland buys a large bluerasperry Icee. She chuckles as he grabs two straws and sits the icee on a table.

"I've been here so many times with my family," she says. "Like right here. I remember. I remember..."

"Jackson take your sister to the bathroom," her mom says. Laughter erupts from her lips as he takes her hand.

"You have to take me to the bathroom ha-ha-ha-haha!" the girl taunts.

The two walk off with the ten year old sister skipping along after him. "Don't be long Jaylenn okay?"

"Okay!" she calls out to her mother as they leave earshot. On the way to the nearest bathroom Jaylenn gets distracted by a few fish.

Once they reach the bathroom a man walks into the restroom behind her. He puts his hand up her skirt, and begins to touch her. Only it wasn't some random man.

"Jaylenn?" Ryland asks.

"I know who it is," she says snapping back to reality. "It wasn't some random person. It was the same person who did it to me. I know who it is."

"Who is it then?" he asks. Out of the corner of her eyes she sees Juliet, finally smiling her real honest little sister smile. Jaylenn grabs his hand and they run out of the aquarium.

"It's the same person that did it to me..." Jaylenn starts explaining as the two start down the road.

Ryland's hand is holding on to her tightly as he drives. She hasn't gotten to the point of saying who it was.

They're taking a back road back to their little town since just looking at the traffic on the freeway made time pass slower. Trees pass by them quickly in the highclass car. Jaylenn looks over and sees Ryland is pushing ninety miles per hour. Her heart beats fastly against her chest. She finally had some justice.

"Jaylenn. Who is it?" Ryland asks again. She shakes her head and smiles then she sees her in the mirror. Juliet is sitting behind her in the back seat. Her hair flowing over her shoulders. Her white smile was shining. For the first time since she died she sees Juliet's real smile today. Her eyes sparkle a bit.

"Watch out!" Juliet yells as a deer starts across the road. Her arm points out to the deer. Jaylenn starts trying to buckle her seatbelt.

"Ryland!" She yells not clicking the seatbelt. Before she could completely process what was happening she was being thrown out of the windshield. Her vision goes blurry as the crashing sound starts.

Music is playing. The wedding march. Justin holds out an arm and Jaylenn takes it. She looks around in shock. "What's happening?" Jaylenn asks her father.

"Sh, I know. You can do this," he says to her. She looks down to her tight fitted wedding gown.

"I don't know what this is," she says. They begin to walk. Ryland is standing at the front of the aisle. "I'm marrying him," she says aloud. The steps feel forced and she pulls up her dress a bit to see a prosthetic leg.

She stands still but soon gets pulled by her father. She sees her entire family in the front row. Including Juliet and Juliann. Tears run down her face. "Dad what's happening?" she asks while crying. He puts his hand on her face and suddenly she's in the hospital.

A baby is laying in her arms. She feels sweat falling down her face. Ryland is smiling down at her and the baby. "He's ours?" I say to him.

"All ours,"he replies. I look down at the baby. He has Ryland's eyes. Bright blue eyes. She looks over to a grown up Juliet. Her hair is swaying by her cheeks as she shakes her head happily.

"I'm an auntie," she says.

"No. Juliet. Aren't you..." Ryland hushes her as she begins to talk. A doctor walks back in. She has short blonde hair and a soft face.

"Well Jaylenn. It's time for you to wake up. Alright?" the woman says.

"What?" Jaylenn asks. The doctor walks over and pushes her lightly.

Jaylenn wakes up with her body shaking. Her eyes open up and the world around her is dark. They must've been out here for hours. Her head is pounding. "Ryland," She calls out and tries to stand up, but a burning sensation erupts throughout her body. She yells out in pain and falls back on her back again. She looks around to try and grab her phone but remembers it's in the car.

There's a liquid dripping down her face, she assumes its tears or sweat, but she reaches her hand up to it and pulls down a sticky red substance. Blood. She tries to find the source of the blood, but soon gives up.

Jaylenn reaches her hand up to her cheeks and feels that they are burning up even though there is snow starting to fall over her. She pulls down her sleeves closer to her. She looks over her body. One leg has the bone completely shown. There's blood all over her shirt and pants. She lifts up the shirt and sees glass in her stomach and blood coming out of it. She pulls her shirt back down then reaches down to rip her jeans. She tears them away from the exposed bone.

Jaylenn sees Ryland sitting in the car, his eyes closed and his head against the headrest. "Ryland!" She yells, her head throbs with the yell. She eventually tries to pull herself to the car. She screams out in pain with every pull. She tries everything to keep her exposed bone up off of the ground, but has no success.

Finally she gets to the car and realizes that the car is smashed into a tree, which flung her out of the broken window. There's blood all over the window. She tries to pull herself up onto the car but when she does the tree shifts and the windshield shatters more. She winces at the sound.

"Ryland can you hear me?" She asks her... her... "What are we?" she thinks aloud. She then begins laughing hysterically. They're stuck in the dark and he's not waking up yet that's what she's thinking. What are we? "I mean we act like friends sometimes but then you take me on dates. What are we?" Jaylenn asks.

She crawls to the other side of the car and opens the door. Jaylenn pulls out her phone and sees a million messages from her father. She shakily unlocks the phone and goes to dial 911.

After a few rings a voice answers. Her voice is soft and sweet but it's also firm. "911 what's your emergency?"

"Send help," she says immediately. Her voice is shaking."We've been in a car accident. I've lost a lot of blood, and my friend... he isn't waking up. My name is Jaylenn Allan and he is Ryland Arnold." she says. Her vision becomes black and blurred. Her head feels like it's spinning a million miles an hour.

"Is your friend... Ryland... Is he breathing?" she asks.

"I don't know. And Ma'am you're going to have to track my phone because I think I'm about to pass back out," she says. The reply is blurred out and distant. She falls back and her world goes black.

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