Episode 1:New World

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On the ground, there is a person he slowly open his eyes, he wakes up from his nap looks around, he sees that he is in a park but a different park, this is non other than tyler klause The dark hero, Tyler's wondering

Tyler: Where the heck am I?

he stood up looked around and walked, he saw people evreyone they had phones don't has it he talked to poadier he told where he was in a park, he was confused

Tyler: What year is it?

Tyler looked at the paper with numbers 2013 on it


Poadier: That's what the timeline says kido

Tyler thoughts to himself

Tyler: Okay now i'm beginning to think that it's getting old

Tyler kept walking darkly he saw a monster in a mirror

He backed away and saw it

Maddie: What's Wrong?!

Tyler: A Monster it was in the mirror and it was a spider!

Poadier: You're imagining things i'll check it out

Poadier looked at the mirror and saw the spider monster once agian.

Poadier: Wow you were'nt kidding

Maddie walked around and saw a woman scared

Maddie: Uh you okay?

She handed forward

The woman didin't say anything to her she got up and run pass her

Maddie: what the heck is wrong with her?
Girl: 1 hurry up a new phone is about to be released
She and her friend hurried to the phone shop
Tyler followed them to see how this new phone works, and want to see that freak, she thought that freak might be the one who brought Tyler and his teammates here.
Tyler has came to the phone shop, he saw a lot of people are stand on line to see a new phone of ZAIA, one tv screen showing the creep is CEO of ZAIA Tyson Anderson, Tyler knew that he would here, and if he's here, he must be the one that brought them.
Tyson (on the screen): Have you ever wonder? That you're old phone it can do anything, or it can take pictures, and make messages to your parents and friends?, we'll not anymore help you folks we got your new future, ZAIA phone will help you folks, it has everything a fixing tool music player singing app and video watcher now you can have your entertainment center one hundred percent
Then A screen appears and it said

"Presented by ZAIA"

Tyler: wow who would have thought that Tyson would brought us here am I right?

Then a voice echoed in the distance,

Woman: help help me please!

Maddie: Come on!

Tyler Poadier ran with Maddie to find out where the screaming came from
They stopped and saw a woman
Tyler: Zect at your service m'aam
Woman: I'm thankfully great full
Maddie: Congratulations madam you just one an all expence pay trip to acme falls courtesy of professor ichoroubei hiiragi.
Poadier: that was supposed to be a secret!
Maddie groaned
Tyler: now what seems to be the problem?
Woman #2: that evil man was going to grab me so I was going call the police but I thought I called you
Maddie: wise Choice ma'am don't worry we'll get right on it
The trio ran off and they chased after the man in the hood

Maddie: Stop right there!

They cornered the hooded man in the alleyway
Maddie: don't move
Poadier: we got you surrounded

???: (Dark voice) That's what you think rookies!
Tyler: Rookies?!
He then took off his hood and he revealed himself to be raven fall
Maddie: Raven fall
Raven Fall: You fell right into my trap

Raven held up his deck and the v buckle came on to his waist

Then Raven put his hand in a fist like pose
Raven: Henshin!

Tyler: I got this one.

Poadier: all right then go get em

He raised up his advent deck and the v buckle came on to his waist

Tyler: Henshin!

The battle began as Ryuga made the first attack by kicking Gai but gai blocks and punches ryuga but ryuga dodged the attack by jumping then he punched back gai
Then gai landed on the ground in pain

Then he pulled out one of his advent cards from his advent deck and inserted it into his visor on his shoulder

Strike vent

His metal horn was on his right arm

Then ryuga pulled out one of his advent cards from his advent deck and inserted it into his dragblack visor and closed it up with how hand

Sword vent

The dragsaber was in his hand

He was ready for Raven this time

He charged at him with the metal horn but ryuga blocked it with his dragsaber and slashed the metal horn and in the air and it was gone with a shatter

Then ryuga slashed him with his dragsaber then ryuga kicked him and Gai fell to the ground

Gai groaned in pain

Gai: H-how can this be I won't lose

Poadier: it's not personal

Maddien: now

Tyler: Time to finish him off!

He pulled out one of his advent cards from his advent deck and inserted it into the dragvisor

Final vent

The dragblacker appears behind Tyler and he jumps high into the air then the dragblacker blasts black fire while Tyler does his final attack on Raven sending him into the mirror

Raven was in the mirror world stuck there forever

Raven screamed as he was in the mirror world for eternity

Then Tyler changed back

All: all right!

They high fived each other and did a victory dance.

They danced funky style

Akeno hinejima: Wow he defeated Raven with one final attack now its clear he is Kamen rider ryuga and he has his comrades to help him defeat the ancient evil known as kamen rider Odin

Then kamen rider Odin watched thin in spirit

Vowing his revenge on the kid and his three companions for banishing Raven to the mirror world


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