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i woke up to my alarm ringing. i groaned and rolled over before realising i have school today.  i got up and sat before looking to my side to see jaden sleeping with his lips slighting parted and his messy hair covering. i kissed his forehead a few times. he groaned and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer. i smiled at him and kissed his cheek before getting up well attempting to get up.

em:jae i have school
i said smiling
jh: but i want too cuddle
he groaned and looked up at me.  i knew he was tired because he stayed awake last night at the studio.
em:later baby i promise
jh:okay but you have too
i giggled before kissing him. he smiled into the kiss and deepening it but i pulled away not wanting things to go further.
he looked at me frustrated i stopped this again. jaden and i'd sex life was very active. i was quarantined with him in LA because i was here when the lockdown started. to say he was happy was an understatement. he jumped around for twenty minutes and jumped on me because he was happy that i was going to be staying with him for a long time.

i lived in new york with my family and i met jaden at playlist since we're both creators. so we did long distance and it made him happy to spend a more than a month with me in a row. i was pulled out my thoughts when i heard a knock.
i shouted
beside me jaden groaned and snuggled into me again. i chucked and put my hand in his hair and played with it. kio walked in with a cup which i'm assuming is coffee. he came over to the bed and let out a laugh as he saw jaden snuggled into me and half asleep. i smiled at him.
kio:i woke up early and made myself coffee. figured you might want some because of school
i looked him and smiled and nodded
em: thank you thank you.
em:i world hug you but..
i trailed off looking down at jaden
he smiled at me before he shook his head
kio: it's cool bye
he said before leaving

i sighed and grabbed my phone to see the time. it was 8:30 which i meant i had an hour before classes started.
em:i really gotta get up babe
jh:i don't wanna let go
em:i'll be there after school i promise
he sighed knowing i had to get up and rolled of me and to the other side of the bed. i sighed feeling bad knowing he liked cuddles when he was tired but kissed his cheek before getting up.

i finished my shower and changed into black sweats and a light blue crop top and my hair in a high pony
i walked out of the bathroom to jaden's room where i was staying. i looked to the bed to see him sprawled across the bed. i laughed before grabbing my books, stationary, my laptop and headphones. i walked out of the room and to the kitchen and sat at the counter because that was the only place i could study without the boys shouting too much.

i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding until i sat down. i started my mac book and logged in for my class.

*skip two hours*

i still had school for another 3 hours but i had 20 minutes before my next class. i decided i would and check on what the others were doing.

i walked out of the kitchen to see josh,bryce and griffin filming for youtube. griffin was the first to notice me

he came and gave me hug which caught bryce and josh's attention. they said hi to me and i said hey back. i figures kio was in his room and so was anthony. i looked at around and no sign of jaden. i looked at the three boys.

em:hey where's jae?

they shrugged

griff:he's probably still sleeping.

i nodded and walked upstairs and outside jaden's room. i figured he was still tired so i walked in to see him still in bed sleeping but moving around slightly. i walked up to the bed and sat next to him and leaned forward and brushed his hair out his face.
he opened his eyes slightly and looked around rubbing his eyes till it landed on me. i smiled at him

i whispered
his voice raspy and tired
he wrapped his arms around me and cuddled into my side
em:i still have school jae
he sighed but didn't say anything
em:you'll have to let go babe
jh: i don't want to em
jh:just do school in here
em:i can't
jh:.please i'm tired and i'll sleep better if your here
jh: emm
he said mocking me. he looked up at me pouting
eventually i ended up giving in and nodding
he immediately smiled
em:let me go get my stuff though
he unwrapped his arms from me and practically kicked me off the bed so i would hurry. i laughed and got my stuff from downstairs even grabbing a bottle of water.

i walked back into the room to jaden waiting for me. i walked up to the bed and sat down leaning against the headboard and kept my stuff next to me. jaden snuggling into me making me giggle. i laughed as put his head on my lap and arms around my waist tightly.

em: i'm going to need you to not talk during my classes if you want me to stay
he groaned but nodded.
em: i'm starting now
he said his voice signalling he's tired.

20 minutes into my next class i felt something move.  i looked down to see jaden adjusting himself. i bite my lip trying not smile cause my camera was on.  i tried to focus on the but i couldn't since jaden was moving too much. i quickly shut my camera and looked at him.
em:jae stop moving
jh:i'm sorry
he said softly
i looked down and kissed his head before starting my camera again. i forgot that jaden likes cuddling my chest when he's tired like i sleeping on his chest when i'm tired.
not realising what he was doing he moved further up on to my chest and sighed with happiness and fell asleep. i looked at my laptop to see that his hair was seen. before i could do anything my teacher called me out.

teacher:ms smith are we interrupting something?
shut shit. jaden's blond hair was seen clearly in the camera.
em:no ma'am
teacher:are you sure?
em:yes ma'am
i was about to mute myself when jaden the great decided to talk
he whined
i mentally cursed myself for agreeing to sit with him while he sleeps what made this worse was that social media didn't that jaden and i were dating yet. i already had clout chasers on my ass because of my followers. i muted myself instantly and shut my camera and face palmed before looking at jaden who sound asleep on my chest according to his comfort.

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