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i just got done with school and i couldn't stop thinking about how embarrassed i got in class and i knew that jaden could never be in the same room as me when i had school and i had to make sure of that.
jaden was still sleeping clearly tired from the lack of sleep he had gotten and it worried me. he isn't taking care of him and i had to talk to him about.

it was around 1:30 when jaden woke up and rubbed his eyes adjusting to the light in the room. he looked at me after a minute and smiled before kissing me on the cheek multiple times. i smiled at him which he returned.

his voice raspy and deep from just waking up
em:we need to talk
my voice serious. he looked at me confused and worried but nodded and cleared his throat.
we were now sitting facing each other. jaden leaned against the headboard and me in front of him crossed legged in the middle of the bed
jh:what uh do you need to talk about?
he asked really worried, nervous and scared
jh:wait wait are you breaking up with me?
his voice soft and scared
i let out a giggle before shaking my head
he let out a sigh of relief
em:jae i'm not breaking up with you but i am worried about you
he looked at me confused.

jh:what do you mean?
em:i know you aren't taking care of yourself
jh:what no no i am
he said trying to deny it
i took his hands in mine and rubbed my thumb on the back of his hand
em: i'm here for you ok? i just need you to be honest with me. you need to sleep properly. you need to eat. stop stressing so much. i know that it's hard at the studio right now but you need to relax baby. i love you and i can't watch harming yourself.
he nodded and took a deep breath before speaking
jh:it's hard so fucking hard and i'm trying em i really am. the fans want me to constantly post which i can't do but i'm trying but there's no time. the only thing good happening is that you are staying with and is keeping me going. i only sleep when you are next to me and i at least have your presence around me. it just gives me a sense of safety and i-i want to spend so much time with you because god knows when you're going to go back to new york and then you won't live with me anymore and that fucking sucks em.

his voice cracking. hearing him talk like this broke my heart and knowing i was sort of a reason hurt even more. i didn't say anything. i just let him rant knowing he needed it. i wrapped my arms around his neck one of them staying around his and the rubbing up and down his in hopes to calm him down. he wrapped his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer. only a small space in between us which kept us separated. suddenly he grabbed my waist and pulled me on to his lap keeping me close to him.
we stayed like that in silence which was comfortable. just enjoying each other's presence. we stayed in bed that day. talking,laughing, cuddling and watching movies.

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