grab the headboard

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MA-SPICE (18+)

Warning: Profanity, Sexual Content

[lol insert an updated version of my spice story from tiktok]

I was laying next to Kuroo, who had his arm wrapped around my waist.  I looked up and saw him sleeping, so I looked back down.  I got bored so I played around with my fingers and started tracing the outline of his chest.  Just then, I heard a raspy voice saying, "Can't sleep huh?"  Startled by the voice I didn't expect to hear, I jumped a little.  I thought you were dead asleep tf.  My heart began to race, as it caught me off guard.  He chuckled and called me a "scaredy cat".  I was not going to take that from him so me being the defensive little bitch that I am, I scoffed and made an angry face at him.  I tried to get up, but he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me back in and said, "I don't remember saying you were allowed to get up and leave."

As he pulled me back in, my hair fell down to the sides of my face and swiftly brushed past his broad shoulders.  My hands were laid flat on his chest, giving me the advantage in this situation.  I broke free of his grasp, pinned his wrists against the mattress and sat on top of him.  I moved closer to his face and whispered, "since when did you get to make the rules?" I smirked, thinking that I had him cornered, but that all changed within a split second.  Somehow he managed to switch positions with me.  I tried wriggling my wrists, but they were gripped tightly.  He pressed his knee against my inner thigh and slowly approached my ear and said, "I don't think you're in the position to be asking questions."

Still pinned down, I looked left and right and then tried to thrust myself up, but it was no use.  Nothing worked.  Kuroo had me locked down.  Then, he chuckled and playfully said, "well now, don't be such a bad little kitty..." He leaned in even closer.  I could feel his steamy breath burn my skin as he said in a sleepy voice, "or I might have to teach you a lesson or two on how to behave."  His grip on my wrists intensified as he moved his lips to mine...and then to my cheek...and then to my neck...and then to my collarbone...and so on.  At this point, I completely forgot what my whole motive was.  There was no getting out of this one.  He won.

As Kuroo continued to kiss down my body, he found my weak spot, forcing me to let out a soft moan.  The room was getting hotter and I could feel my face turning red.  I wanted so badly to resist the temptation, but I couldn't think straight anymore.  I gave in without a fight.  He went further and further down my body.  Suddenly, I felt the sensation of teeth sink into the skin of my inner thighs.  Before inching any further up my thighs, he mumbled something to himself, "Itadakimasu."  I didn't understand what he said and gave him a perplexed expression.  He just smirked in response.

All of a sudden, I felt a wet sensation at my entrance. I tightened my fists that were pinned onto the bed and started to squirm around.  Kuroo released his grasp on my wrists and his hands made their way to my thighs.  He held onto them as his tongue delved in deeper, making me moan louder.  My hands made their way to his head, pushing it down more and more.  I felt a fluid release from my body, making him slurp more aggressively.  A few minutes passed and my breath started to tremble and my legs started to shake.  I couldn't help it; everything was out of my control now.

The moment he noticed my legs started shaking, Kuroo shot his hungry eyes up at me.  "Grab the headboard," he said.

"What?" I questioned.

"...Or you won't be able to handle what comes next."

I obeyed and placed my hands against the headboard.  My eyes shot open and my hands grasped the headboard tighter as I felt a shock of pain in the lower half of my body.  It hurt, but I liked it, a lot.  I slowly stretched my head back and closed my eyes, trying my best to stay quiet every time the pleasing pain re-entered my body.  My legs moved from the bed to Kuroo's waist.  I felt my hands release the headboard and make their way to his back, grabbing onto him, and scratching him to signal him to slow down.  But he didn't listen.  He continued his pace, maybe even faster.  I couldn't help but squirm around and wonder what this euphoric feeling was.

About twenty minutes passed and we were finally done.  Kuroo laid on my chest trying to keep his eyes open, but the oxytocin had already passed through both our systems.  I ran my fingers through his hair and soon fell asleep.  

(assume you're already wearing an oversized shirt in this next part lmao)

I woke up the next morning, sore from last night.  Kuroo was already up.  My eyes were squinting from the sunlight hitting my eyes, but I could see his silhouette walking out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist.  I rubbed my eyes while he walked towards me and sat at the edge of the bed.  He bent over, brushed my hair out of my face and kissed my forehead and said, "Morning, Koneko-chan," with a smile.  I groaned and threw a pillow at his face.  

"Grumpy, are we?" Kuroo teased.

"No." I took my pillow and shoved it into my face.  

Just then, I felt him grab my forearms and drag me out from under the sheets.  Cold.  The pillow fell off my face and landed on my lap.  

"Alright, let's go," Kuroo yanked me into his arms as he lifted me up and took me to the bathroom.  He placed me down once we entered the bathroom and let me stand on my own.  My body was still sore from last night, so I limped towards the shower.  I could hear Kuroo trying to hold in his laughter. 

"BITCH SHUT THE FUCK UP THIS IS YOUR FUCKING FAULT!" I shouted while flipping him off and entering the shower (clearly not a morning person).

I heard Kuroo burst out his hyena laugh and rolled my eyes.  I took off my shirt and before turning on the showerhead, I threw it at him while he continued his hysterics.



Date: September 2, 2020

Word Count: 1307

A note from Author~chan: lol I hope y'all like it even though I winged everything after they did the dirty.  I really just didn't know how to end this at all so I apologize for the shitty and abrupt ending.  I am also very much inexperienced so I don't even know if I wrote this right, but feel free to call me out on anything that needs fixing, etc.  Also, I'm open to requests as well.  This one is particularly for Kuroo, but if you have any other characters/ideas you'd like me to do, feel free to comment--I'll prolly make a separate Story thing for other haikyuu characters.  Side note, I was going to lock this story for 18+ people only, but I managed to post this on tiktok about a month ago and it hasn't been taken down yet while also getting a significant amount of attention, so imma let it be open.  Just do me a favor and not report it lmao.

disclaimer: koneko is not the characters name lol it means kitten in japanese I just hated the way kitten sounded and it sounds cooler in japanese so i was like why not

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