don't get too close

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Warning: lol this is just like a sad little break up type thing in Kuroo's POV (i doubt it'll make you cry tho dw)


It was subtle. At first, it was just a couple volleyball games she missed. After a little while, it was the study dates and the ice cream outings, too. Eventually, at some point, I don't even know when, but it became her entirely. I would only get to see her every once in a while in the hallways. We barely even spoke to each other. A simple hi/hello and a wave sufficed. I didn't realize how distant we became until she was actually gone.

I should've seen in coming, though. He was always around her, teasing and flirting. I turned a blind eye to it because I thought I was being too insecure. I guess not. Now he's the one who's spinning her around after winning a volleyball game. He's the one who helps her study for her Physics Finals, even if she's hopeless. And he's the one who gets to wipe her tears when she can't handle the stress anymore.

Maybe it was my fault. I guess I should've seen it coming. I should've ended it before it got this bad, but I didn't, I couldn't. The thought of being alone again horrified me. So, I just let it fizzle out on its own, hoping to God that one of these days it would go back to the way it used to--her chin resting on my shoulders, her hair brushing against my neck, her arms hanging over my chest.

Stupid, right? I guess that's what I get for getting too close. I deserved that reality check. It's fine, though. My parents tried teaching me that lesson the first time, i just didn't listen. But this time I really learned my lesson.  Don't get too close, or you'll be the one getting hurt.



Date: January 14, 2021

Word Count: 404

A note from Author~chan

Y'all sorry for the little depressive story, but I wanted a little variety to my one shots so I was like why not. Also, I apologize for it being short, I didn't want to make it too long and also made this in like ten minutes so it's not much. But still, hope you enjoyed it at least a little. Thank you to everyone who did or didn't make it this far lmao.

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