Chapter 1

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Hi!! Thank you soooo much for reading this!! I am new to this, so please excuse the bad grammar and bad spelling. Feel free to ask me questions, comment, and like! I hope you like it!!


        "Megannn wake up, wake up, wake up!!!" said my little brother, Dexter. " "Whyyy?! I don' t want to, it' s just Sunday!" I said, but it was very muffled because my face was covered in my pillow. " No it's not. It's the first day of school, remember? Duhh." I moaned and said "I' m up, now go." I got out of bed and made my way to my big closet filled with everyone blankets and boards for beds. I looked through my closet and saw a blue shirt, that was made out of cotton and it was nice and light. I chose that, and picked out my only pair of jeans, that were kind of like leggings.(I don't really like jeans, i think they are uncomfortable. I like leggings instead.) I got dressed and went down stairs to eat and get ready for school. I said hi to my mom, she was making everyone lunches and she said "good morning honey. You should have been up 30 minutes ago. You don' t want to be late for school." "Sorry mom, I totally forgot today was the first day of school. I thought it was tomorrow."

She said to get breakfast and that we will discuss it later so I could eat before we left for school. My brother Dexter, my sister Brittney, and I, got into my moms car and she drove us to school. I live 1-2 minutes away from the school, it depends on the traffic though. When we got to school, we all jumped out and parted ways, I walked into the 6th grade wing and saw all my old friends standing around talking, so I decided to go to my locker and get my stuff before talking to my friends. I walked to locker # 368 and put in my combination. The people who were my "locker buddies" were Jason and Alex. I guess it's not that bad. I was aquanted with both of them, so I guess it's not that bad I thought to myself. When I closed my locker and was about to turn around to see my friends, Alex said "Hi" and I didn't want to be rude, so I said hi back. Then I left to see my friends. I walked over and greeted them. They all said hi back and went back to their disccusion. I was kind of dissapointed about it, but wasn't too concerned about it. My friend group consists of about 10- 2 people. It kind of depends. My best friend is Rosalyn. I have know her since 4th grade and she has dirty blond hair, glasses, brown eyes, and she is shorter than me ( I am short. I am 4ft 7). My other friends are Selena, Nina, Zynthia, and some other people.

me: "hey what are you talking about?"

Rosalyn (Rosie): "our summer, and what we did"

me: "cool"

Then they started talking again. I thought it was boring and decided to look around the wing and look for any new people. There were a couple new people. I counted about 6 new boys and 2 new girls. I walked to my first period class (which was science) and standed at the door with a couple other people. The bell rang and everyone rushed to their assigned classes and my class walked in.

 The bell rang and everyone rushed to their assigned classes and my class walked in

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Happy Halloween!!

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