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- a m a t e r a s u -

Christmas is coming up soon, and I still haven't figured out what to give Tendou. I sigh heavily, staring out the window. My teacher scolds me, "Sano! Stop daydreaming and pay attention!"

I look back up at the board, not really caring about what the teacher is rambling about at the moment. The final bell of the day rings and I pack up my stuff, walking with Hiroko back to the dorms. I pout at her, "what should I do for a gift? I can't think of anything~" I whine loudly.

She laughs, "what about little envelopes that say, 'open when..' and it's different scenarios. Then, even if you guys break up, he still has something important to him to look forward to."

I give her a look, "thanks for giving me hope for our relationship." I groan, opening the door to our dorm. Her idea is actually cute though. I think he would like it.

I change into some more casual clothes, slipping on some jeans and a sweatshirt I stole from Tendou. I grab my wallet, "I'm going to the store to buy my gifts, do you need me to pick up anything for you?"

"Nope, I'm good for now!" She smiles. I nod and walk out the door, making my trek to town. I walk into the store, grabbing some cute tan envelopes, some paper, and a cute box to put them all in.

I grab gifts for my parents, siblings, friends, and anyone else I need to get a present for. I pay, thankfully having enough on my card, only having $5 to spare. God, I sure hope Tendou doesn't want to go on a date until we go on break.

I thank the cashier, grabbing my bags and walking back to the academy. As I'm walking through town, I run into Semi and Goshiki out shopping. I stop them, smiling brightly, "what you guys up to?"

"Oh, we're just shopping for Christmas gifts. I actually need your help with Hiroko. Do you know of anything she has asked for?"

I think for a moment, "come with me." I drag him to a boutique, showing him this cute hat and scarf she was looking at the other day but didn't have the spare money to get it. "She was looking at these, but she said she needed to save money to buy presents. I think if you got these for her she would be ecstatic."

He looks at me with appreciation written on his face, "thank you so much! I had absolutely no idea what to get her," he sighs softly. I smile and pet his head, "good luck, I'm sure she would've loved anything from you."

He blushes and nods, thanking me again before I walk off again. I wave to them as I walk out of the store, finally getting back to the academy. I hide the presents under my bed, knowing Hiroko will respect my privacy especially since her present is in there. She's always been good about waiting.

She looks down from her top bunk, "soooo, what did you get Tendou?"

"I actually went with your idea. I thought it was cute and meaningful. We haven't been dating for long enough to do anything super mushy, especially since we only have like 10 pictures of us-" I groan. "But that's okay, I thought this would be good for the circumstances."

She smiles, "god, you guys are adorable together."

I nod softly and take out the stuff for Tendou, starting on it so I can get it done by Friday. After all, that is only two days away and I probably won't see him until the break is over.

I put in my headphones, listening to music as I work. I sing as I do, not being too loud as Hiroko has already gone to bed. I turn off the main light, putting on the lamp sitting on the desk so I'm not too much of a bother.

Soon, one of my favorite songs comes on, so I happily sing it.

"Three little birds sat on my window
And they told me I don't need to worry
Summer came like cinnamon, so sweet
Little girls double-dutch on the concrete

『S.TENDOU』IT STARTED WITH A WHISPERWhere stories live. Discover now