12 *F l u f f y*

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Thank you all, so damn much for 6k reads! The positive comments are really great! So insted of a sad chapter get some fluf! Enjoy!

Toms POV

I slowly picked up Tord. He's finally released and I finally can get my cuddle buddy back!! I walked out while keeping Tord close.

We got to the car where Edd was waiting.

"How is he?" Edd asked with a soft smile. "All better!!" I replied with a smile whole placing Tord into the back seat. I got in and we headed home.

When we got home I took Tord into my appartment and placed him into bed. "cuddles?" I asked.

"Alright" Tord said softly with a giggle. I got into bed and held him close. As he cuddled me I started to place kisses all over his face.

He smiled and for the first time since highschool I didn't hate him. I loved him, he's so damn cute and his smile is adorable. Especially since I haven't seen it in forever.

I contiued giving him kisses until I kissed him on his lips. To my surprise he kissed back! I pulled away and smiled.

"I love you Tord" I said while kissing his head.

"I love you too Tom"
Those words were all I ever wanted to hear.

If your curious of what I've been doing. There's a Dream x Reader and a Fanronpa already posted.

《I'm So Sorry!》TomTordWhere stories live. Discover now