Part 31

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Since that four letter word was uttered between them, James never wasted a moment to show her how deeply he felt it.

He would do everything he could to make sure he evenly balanced his time between work and Maggie over the last week. He had even cancelled a dinner he had planned with some important business partners for her showcase.

She had gotten all dolled up for the evening at her apartment, with him waiting patiently on her couch to drive her over. She wore a frilly midi dress, covered in tiny flowers. He had surprised her with it a few days before for her to wear tonight. Which she of course, paired with her favorite necklace and bracelet.

The black Ferrari pulled up to the gallery, dropping her off to prepare before the doors opened.

"You look stunning, doll."

She let out a deep breath. "Thank you. I'll see you soon." She pecked a kiss on his stubbly cheek.

"I'll be back with Steve and Nat as soon as it starts." He confirmed.

Skipping up the front steps into the lobby, she dove right in to her prep work. She reviewed the schematic over, twice. Walking through the building to ensure everything was where it was supposed to be. None of her work was on display tonight, so her mind was solely focused on what she had to get done before the event started.

She let in the caterers, guiding them to the area she had cleared off for their tables, then left them to set up. Her heels clicked over the tiled floor as she rushed around, dusting the fixtures and sweeping. After that was done, she sat at the office, going over the list of artists one last time and organizing a thick stack of paperwork for the night's offers.

The artists slowly rolled in. A few familiar faces greeted her warmly, remembering her from past showcases. She gave each of them a walkthrough, explaining in detail how she mapped out the placements of their pieces. There were only a couple minor adjustments made, due to a bit of conflict between two of the artists over why their work wasn't up front. Finding a compromise, she flipped a few around, until they were satisfied.

August showed up at the literal last minute. Walking in wearing his sunglasses, looking like a wannabe celebrity.

"Hi, August."

He gave her a cold nod. Brushing past her and slamming the office door behind himself. He seemed to be in a mood tonight. Maggie's stomach sunk with anxiety, but she brushed it off, getting ready to open the doors.

At seven o'clock on the dot, she unlocked the doors and propped them wide open. Lugging out the sign onto the front steps, to promote the event. She already wanted to collapse in on herself from exhaustion and her night hadn't even started.

None of her coworkers were going to be in attendance tonight, so it was just her and August— actually, it was just her. He never did anything to help during the showcases. He'd walk around with his cocktails and mingle, watching her squirm from the never ending pressure from customers and artists, chuckling to himself.

The room slowly filled with attendees, as music played overhead. Drinks were served and the hors d'oeuvres were carried around on porcelain dishes by the waitstaff.

Maggie was already being pulled in a thousand different directions, keeping her pen tucked behind her ear, clutching a pinch of transaction sheets, and her roll of purchase stickers on her wrist. She was divulging information to a customer about one of the pieces when she saw James out of the corner of her eye. He was in a neatly structured suit, looking as devilishly handsome as always. Natasha and Steve walked in behind him, eyes drinking up the room.

She finished her spiel and left the customer to consider. Weaving her way through the crowd, she approached her friends. "Hey, guys." She huffed.

"Are you okay, doll?" James picked up on the exhaustion in her voice.

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