Part 53

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James spent every day at the yard, talking Eddie up. Giving him small comments here and there to egg him on.

Three more weeks down. Halfway through his sentence.

James kept his head down, following orders, never causing a scene. He even went to counseling a handful of times and gave Pritchard fake bits of information, so he felt like he was actually getting somewhere with him.

Every single day was endlessly painful for James. Every single minute spent behaving so submissive when he was anything but. He was the kind of man that wanted— no, needed to live by his own fruition. Taking orders wasn't something that was in his nature. But he was doing it. He had to work his fucking ass off everyday to show improvement, so he could get out early.

There had already been ten days shaved off of his sentence for his behavior. He didn't have to be shackled down to every open surface. He was able to workout in the gym again. Progress.

James avoided Rumlow at all costs to not raise suspicion. If he saw him in the showers, he would make up some excuse to step out of line. He would sit on the opposite side of the dining hall. He would even turn his head when they passed in the hallway. All of this culminating to what came now.

He had been waiting anxiously for the move to the yard, staring blank faced at the floor, tapping his inked fingers over his muscular thigh as he sat leaned up against the cold wall of his cell.

There were no clocks around, but he knew it was getting close to time.

Just as he thought, the sound of heavy footsteps came marching down the hall towards his cell. Growing louder and louder the closer they came. A small smirk twitched his lip, glancing down to his shoe. The sole of it ripped back, right below his toes. Straightening his face back out just as Schmidt came into view.

"Yard time, inmate." He nodded. "Let's go."

Being cuffed through the bars, only his wrists this time, he stepped out.

Trudging side by side, matching each other's pace as they headed down to the yard door. James slowed down just a smidge, slamming hard into the back of Schmidt's shoulder with his own. Knocking the two of them to the floor with his heavy weight. James let himself fall down hard on his side, since his hands were otherwise occupied.

"What the fuck, inmate?"

James shook his head, pushing himself back up so he was sitting on the linoleum. He looked at his shoe, falling off of his foot. "These fucking shoes are falling to pieces." He spat, anger directed at himself. "I need a new pair." He explained, lifting his foot to show Schmidt the sole was practically falling off.

He gave him a knowing look. "Just get the fuck up and be careful next time. You take me down with you again, I'll give you a shot."

James gave a stoic nod as he stood to his feet, but inside he was elated.

What Schmidt didn't see was that James hands went straight for his key ring. Swiftly unclipping it from his obscenely packed belt, then shoving it into his waistband. Fucking imbecile saw nothing.

Once James was packed back in with the other psychos outside, he slowly wandered over to Eddie. Taking his sweet time. The kid had his nose pressed to the fence, glaring at Rumlow. He had developed quite the obsession with the guy since James planted the seed in his brain. Not even needing to say much to him anymore, just letting him create his own theories.

"Eddie." James greeted.

"Hey, Barnes." His eyes stayed locked on Rumlow, not even needing to look over to know who stood beside him.

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