Omega-Verse part 1(fluff)

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I'm like really new to writing so if your reading this I'm glad your here, and I really hope you enjoy. Okay so they have an inner voice that only they can hear, and they talk to them in their head and not out loud. Alright if you don't know omega verse you can be born an alpha, omega, or beta. Alpha the strongest, beta is kind-of strong, and omega's are the weakest. Omegas can become pregnant by an alpha if they're in heat but they don't have to be mated to get pregnant. Betas cannot get pregnant at all but they can be mated to an omega just like an alpha can. Don't ask me how the omegas push out babies ong I don't know😭✨. Omegas have a heat week where they can have s*x with an alpha, there are suppressants that stop their heat though. Alphas have a rut every six months where they really need to get laid, they also have suppressants to stop it. And omega's heats come every month. If you are confused and have questions just put them in the comments. Alright let's start.

Bakugo's POV:
I'm guessing you fuckers want a background of my life.

The names Katsuki Bakugo, and I go to a shitty high school called UA.

I'm going to be the #1 fucking hero this shitty world has ever seen.

That being said I don't have or need friends....except shitty hair.

I've actually had a crush on him since first fucking year...we are now on our second year in this hell hole and if your too fucking dense in the head that means were 17.

Even though I'm one of the strongest fuckers in my class, the gods decided to fuck me over and make me an omega.


Of course everyone in this hell hole knows but they don't treat me like one, mainly because they know I'll blow their fucking head off if they do.

Kirishima's POV:
HI!! My name's Eijiro Kirishima.

I go to UA the best hero course school in Japan, I'm a second year there.

I've made a bunch of new friends at UA, I'm currently part of the Bakusquad!

We're a friend group, it consists of me of course, Sero, Denki, Mina, and...... Bakugo.

Your probably wondering why the sudden dot dot dot before Bakugo well....I kinda sorta maybe have a gigantic crush on him.

It's really hard to tell if Bakugo actually likes me though, I mean I am the only person he communicates with even though were in a whole friend group, but he also calls me shitty hair so I'm getting mixed energy here.

It would be really awesome if he did like me though, because then we could be mates!!

I'm an alpha by the way.

Even though Bakugo is an omega he works so hard you can't even tell he's not an alpha, that's the main reason why I admire him so much. He's so manly!!!

I've liked him since first year so yeah I'm kind of procrastinating on asking him out, I know I'm so unmanly, but I know one of these days I'll gain the courage to ask him out!!! It's just not gonna be today...heh.

Bakugo's POV:
"SHUT THE HELL UP!" I say as I send a small-ish explosion to my alarm clock that's ringing non stop.

I hear shitty hair knocking on the wall next to me and yell "Morning Bakubro!"

I knock back yelling "Don't call me that shitty hair!!"

I don't hear a response so I'm guessing he started getting ready for school.... dammit I forgot we had school!!!!

I start running around my dorm trying to gather my stuff so I don't end up late.

While I was hopping around on one foot trying to put my pants on my inner voice had to go and fuck up the rest of my morning, WHY THE FUCK AM I AN OMEGA?!

*inner voice and Bakugo are talking now* *Bakugo is bold and the inner voice is in italics*

Hey Bakugo....

Wtf do you want?!

I just wanted to remind you that we go into heat tomorrow...

I paused my movements and answered back.

What did you say?!

I'm gonna go now

You get back here fucker!!!

*Bakugo and the inner voice are done talking*

"How dare that little bitch ignore me" I snarled out loud.

I jump as I hear Kirishima speak outside of my door.

"What little bitch?" he said.

"None of your damn business shitty hair, and learn how to make your fucking presence known!" I spat back at him from the inside of my room.

Kirishima's POV:
I respond back to him calmly "Sorry Bakubro, are you ready to go to school?"

Seconds later his dorm door opens "Let's go shitty hair"

It's quiet on the way to school so I decide to make some light conversation.

"So I heard heat week starts tomorrow, do you have your suppressants?" I ask.

He stops in his tracks and begins rummaging through his bag.

"Shit, shit, shit" he says.

"Is everything ok?" I ask

"I must've left my suppressants in the dorms."

"Do you want to go back for them? It's Friday, I'm sure Mr. Aizawa won't mind us being late." I ask worried.

Bakugo's POV:
I lightly blush at his response to all of this, does he really care about me that much? I hope so.

" No, I should be fine, like you said it starts tomorrow. So when school is over I'll take them then." I say.

He smiles that adorable shark tooth smile that I love and says "If you say so."

.....We should've went back for the suppressants.
End of part 1, if anyone ends up reading this and you want a part 2 just comment.

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