Chapter four- Agent Heart-break

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I apologize in advance for how short of a chapter this is.


     After all of the collage classes were done for the day, Marinette was found out in the courtyard crying her eyes out. She may not have broken up with the blond boy, but that doesn't mean that fight they had didn't hurt. It was the worst one they have ever had, of course all couples have fights, that's obvious, but they have never actually yelled at each other like that. She couldn't ignore it either, her and Adrien were going to have to talk about it one of these days, it had already been a week since they had last seen each other.

     They had most of the same classes together, and since they were dating, the two heroes always sat next to the other, so in each subject they had to practically beg a random person to switch places so they don't have to sit by each other, making it more awkward then it already was.

     There was one boy who always came to the courtyard at this time to play on his guitar. He liked this time of day specifically because it was usually empty, but when he saw the crying girl sitting there, he knew he had to do something. Yes he had still liked the blunette after all these years. He sat down next to her and gently put a hand on her shoulder, making her flinch slightly. She hadn't expected anyone to come up to her, but when she saw the musician sitting next to her, she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her, she had hoped it wasn't Adrien, after all they still needed more time to think about all that had happened.

     But on the downside, this has not only effected their personal, but also their work relationship. Fighting Akumas have been a nightmare, since they haven't been able to work with each other properly, or stay on the same page. They would always bring things back to that day, and it was breaking her.

     "Are you alright Marinette?"  The black and blue haired boy guitarist asked the crying blunette. She quickly brought her hands to her face, effectively getting rid of most of the tears that were falling down her cheeks, but her eyes were still watery, and sad. "Yeah, I'm fine Luka, no need to worry about me." Luka sat closer to her and moved some hair that had fell, out of her face, he inwardly counted a victory as he got her to blush. 

     You would barley be able to tell though, but he was close enough to her. Little did they know, someone else was watching them, and couldn't help but get a little jealous over the fact that someone was this close to her. "Adrien and I got into a big fight, and..." Her eyes filled up with more tears and she looked away, trying not to be seen by the world. "I-I don't really want to talk about it Luka." 

     He softly grabbed her chin in between his index finger and thumb so she would look at him. Marinette didn't have much of a choice, but to look at him, as his grip on her was firm but gentle. She looked up into his green eyes, and started to lean in. Luka of course didn't mind and leaned in as well. Marinette didn't know when their lips met, but when she closed her eyes, she realized what she was doing and pulled back. Adrien on the other hand didn't get to see her pull away, because he had already left. I mean, what guy would want to see their girlfriend kiss someone else.

     Even if they were mad at each other, it still hurt. "I'm sorry, I am so sorry. I don't know what caused me to do that." Luka once again turned her face to look at him, and smiled. "There's no need to be sorry." He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers again. Seeing that look in his eyes, it's like she couldn't control what she her actions, and she kissed him back.

     "No!" She grabbed her bag and ran into the girl's dorms, she doesn't understand why she did that, TWICE.  She felt so stupid, she was the one who started it in the first place, so she had the right to feel like this. "Marinette, wait!" He  was about to run after her to apologize, but Hawkmoth's butterfly symbol appeared in front of his face. "There's no need to worry about her Agent Heart-break, she'll be yours as long as you get me Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous."

     Luka, or Agent Heart-break, rolled his eyes and smirked. "Don't worry Hawkmoth, I remember our deal." He then walked back to his dorm to come up with another plan to get the Miraculous, and to get Marinette all to himself.

     Marinette was walking to her dorm to tell Alya what had just happened, even though she didn't fully know if this was a dream or not, and if she was being honest with herself, she kind of didn't want it to be, but at the same time she did? Ugh, why was everything getting so confusing now? Why was she suddenly wanting to go after Luka when she had been with Adrien for almost three years.

     The blue eyed girl came to a stop when she saw her boyfriends dorm room. Was right now the best time to talk, or should she wait? She hated to admit it, but she missed him. She missed his emerald green eyes, and his soft blond hair, and all she wanted to do was to knock that door down, and leap into his arms, apologizing for everything she had done to him, begging for forgiveness. But he wasn't all that innocent in this situation either, so what was the point?

     There wasn't any harm in just asking to talk, right? Yeah, they needed to get passed this, they needed to get back to the way they were before. If they were going to defeat this man who called himself Hawkmoth, they were going to need to become a team again.

     She sighed and walked over to his door and knocked lightly, trying to come up with what she was going to say in her head before he would answer the door and, hopefully let her in, so they could reason this like responsible adults. She didn't know what time before she realized no one was in front of her, or nobody had answered the door, so she just opened the door, which surprisingly wasn't locked. Nino always forgot to lock the door whenever he left in the morning. 

     "Adrien?" Marinette called out timidly. She hated being shy around him, but if they were about to have this conversation, she knew it was going to be very awkward. She got no response so she figured he wasn't there. Marinette shrugged and turned around to leave, but then she remembered that Adrien had said that he had left her some special fabrics for her future designs, but with everything that was going on, she had forgotten about it entirely. He had said it was in the top drawer of his dresser.

     She went over there and opened the aforementioned drawer and saw nothing but socks, and a small, black velvet box. Unfortunately, her curiosity got the better of her and she took it out and laid it in the palm of her hand. What could Adrien possibly want with this. She slowly opened it and her eyes widened the the sparkling ring that stared back at her. "Is this-..." 


Word Count: 1274 (Not counting this)

Hello everyone and sorry again for the late update, 
writers block is the worst and I am also working on another story,
but you won't be able to see that for a long time,
so don't get your hopes up,
but that doesn't mean in not writing more stories after this one.

In fact,
I already have six more Fanfics, that is 100% going to happen,
so you don't have to worry about losing me or anything.
and if you think I might leave this fandom, at any time, 
then you need to rethink that 
because even after three years of being here watching this show,
I still love it.

What were your thoughts on this chapter?

Feel free to point out any mistakes you see and I'll go and fix them.

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