Chapter three- The Big Fight

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     Ladybug stopped in her tracks, she may have been expecting him to tell her something big, but this definitely wasn't it, and she was going to have to turn the poor guy down. "Cat Noir, I'm sorry, but I have a boyfriend." 

     Cat Noir's ears dropped, and a look of guilt appeared on his face. he dropped his hands to his side, and she thought that she maybe saw his eyes get a little misty. "I'm sorry cat." She couldn't bare to see him like that anymore, he looked so down, and all she wanted to do was hug all his cares away, but she knew she couldn't. It wouldn't be right. Before she could say anything else. 

     "What did I just do.... I have Marinette, I should have never done that, I'm so stupid!" He grabbed his baton and launched himself back to the college, thinking about whether if he was going to tell Marinette or not.

---Back with Marinette---

     The newly detransfrormed Marinette was sitting at her desk with her head in her hands, she couldn't get the look of his downcast look on his face out of her mind. He looked so dejected, and she couldn't help but blame herself. Why was she blaming herself though, she did the right thing. If she had excepted his love, then she should of felt guilty, then why does she feel the way she does?

     "He loves me Tikki. I am a total idiot, I can't believe I said that to him." Tikki thought carefully about what to say next, she knew what Marinette was going through right now, but she couldn't exactly tell her that she had nothing to worry about, because she would ask how she knew that, and Tikki couldn't answer that question without revealing who  Cat Noir was. So she went in another direction.

     "Do you still care about him?" The small sweet kwami asked with sincerity. Marinette looked at her like she just told her to drink a gallon of spoiled milk. "Of course I do, to that, it's obvious. I just don't like him the way he likes me." 'But I do still love him' She thought, ignoring the nagging feeling she had inside of her. 

     She was taken out of her thought by the sound of someone knocking at the door. Was it Alya? No, it couldn't be, Alya doesn't knock, which isn't always a good thing. "Come in, it's open." She watched as the doorknob slowly started to turn, and the door itself started to open, she started to wonder if she had made the wrong choice, and a criminal was actually at the door, coming to take everything she owned, and leave her with nothing. 

     "Marinette?" She heard the voice belonging to her boyfriend bring her out of her thoughts. She looked in his eyes, then looked back at the door. She then realized that what she had been fearing had been irrational. Nobody was coming to hurt her.

     "Marinette, are you okay?" She heard her boyfriend say to her again. She flinched slightly under his touch, but she quickly nodded her head. He didn't look entirely convinced, but he didn't press on the matter. "Can we talk, it's kind of important." 

     The blunette was still out of it, but she was trying to pay attention to what Adrien needed to say, and by the look on his face, she could already tell that it wasn't good. He looked back at her expectantly, and she realized she forgot to give him an answer. "Oh, yeah, of course." She patted the chair sat next to hers, and he hesitantly took a seat in it.

     "Hey so um, I'm sure I am not the only one whose noticed that things have been weird between us." Her eyes widened, she didn't think he was going to be so forthcoming,, but in the end he was right, and they were going to have this talk whether they wanted to or not. "I know, I have some things I want to say too." There was a sudden silence between them that they both wanted to break, but neither of them knew what to say.

     "Yeah well..." He paused for a second before he started talking so fast that she almost didn't know what he said. Almost, "I kinda have feelings for someone else and I told her I loved her." He squeezed his eyes shut, and looked up at her to see her reaction, what he expected was anger, and maybe a little violence, but all she did was sit there, staring at him. He looked into her eyes, looking for some sort of emotion he could identify, but there was nothing.

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