I slept so heavy that I had a dream, a luxury for some, which was an unwelcome event to me. Memories that were so tangible I could still feel the dirt caked on my little feet and loose clothes that hung off my tiny frame from the malnutrition. My unkept hair was constantly clouding my vision as I ran through the broken streets of this slum of the city, making it to the rundown shack that I called home.

"Mama!" I said,

"Mama! I have some parts!" my meek voice squeaked out,

She passed under the hole-filled curtain we used as an improvised door; she scowled at me, snatching the satchel that almost touched the ground from the weight of the metal fragments. She rummaged through it, calculating the value of each piece she came across, slinging the bag on her shoulder when finished—aggressively gripping my hair as she dragged me closer to her.

"Is this all of it? You're not holding out on me, are you?" her tone was low, as her grip became more entangled within the naps of my hair,

"That's all, I promise...." I strained out, attempting to loosen her hold

"Good girl." She shoved me aside, walking out to collect the credits for the labor.

I let out a sigh; I knew my mother wouldn't return anytime soon. It was one of her many habits. She would keep everything, leaving nothing for me. It wasn't a surprise at this point; I would do all the work for her to take the glory, receiving the credits and rations to sustain mostly herself; if I am lucky, she might be willing to share. However, I know that those chances are slim. So instead of going inside, I wandered down the road. My bare feet slapping against the metal of the walkway, reaching a hollowed outbuilding that was commonly used as a gathering hub for the disorderly but was now occupied by someone else cursed in this rotting city.

Ka'ai a girl around the same age as myself, perhaps a bit older. Raised a small Loth-cat that she managed to smuggle along with herself on a ship, she stowed away upon. Her hair was just as messy as my own, long and tangled burgundy ball that draped down her body. Her clothes looked as though she came from well off family, quite form-fitting. However, now covered in dust and grime from her travels. Quickly running up to me, when she noticed I entered the large archway.

"I've been waiting for you!" she smiled, gripping my hands within her own, reviling some of her missing teeth, as silly as it looked, was welcoming.

Walking deeper into the nook, my stomach quaked, the growl causing my dirty companion to chuckle and my face to flush with a harsh blush.

"Your mama took all the rations again?" she questioned, with me nodding sheepishly in response, with her irately crossing her arms.

"That's why adults suck, come on, let's go eat, and then you can see Bobo. He's running around now!" she gripped my hand tighter for a moment,

"But, I don't have any credits...." I mumbled,

"Bah! Don't worry about it; it's my treat!" she chuckled, letting go of my hands to hit my shoulder, skipping off to the city.

I smiled, quickly turning to run after her, only pausing when I noticed a man standing in the opposite doorway. He loomed there, tall with dark features, with his dark brown hair that clung to the sides of his face. His dirt-colored eyes peered through me; he looked familiar; however, I couldn't recall why I don't think I ever have seen anyone like him in the slums before.

"Hey Tazi, you coming?" Ka'ai shouted to me, popping her head back into the space.

"Yeah..." turning my attention back to her, grinning face and seeing that the man was now gone. I ran out of the door to the heart of the city.


Thank you for reading! I apologize for the short part, I will definitely make the next part longer.

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