2]-Hi dad?

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Word count-1378


Thomas POV

They walked in a quick pace through the hospital corridors, they had closed a whole section for them. They walked for a while when they suddenly came to a stop, Agent McCall (he had told him his agent name during the test they did on him) "who would you like to see first?" he questioned me. 

I pondered over that for I while when I settled on Newt, he was the one I needed the most right now, the one I don't think I could live without. "newt, I want to see newt first" I say in a small voice. I curse at myself, why did I have to sound so weak. "okay. Follow me, this way" Agent McCall says.

When they reach room 250 Agent McCall knocks quietly on the doors, "who is it?" a tired voice ask from the other side of the door. "Its me Agent McCall, I just need to talk to you quick" silence "okay, come in, but do it quick" Agent opens the door and quiet tells me to wait outside the room until he says I can come. 

They're talking with low voices, but soon after Agent tells me to come in. I slowly make my way through the door with the biggest smiles of all times. When newt realise what's happening, he jumps me right as he notice me and nearly makes me fall to the ground. He's laughing while crying at the same time, he manages to get "I th-thought y-you were d-dead, you shuckf-face" before hugging me so tight he might break one of my ribs. 

When we separate again I notices that Agent McCall is nowhere in the room, he must have walked out when Newt jumped me. He smiles "come lets find McCall so we can find Minho" Newt nods quickly and we run out the door to see McCall talking to someone on the phone, because he doesn't notice us until we're right besides him. "Whats Minho's room number" Newt quickly ask him, McCall shakes his head but smiles at us. He motions for us to follow him.

We haven't walked for long until he stops and motions for us to walk in. I look at Newt and I can see he's thinking the same as me, we counts to three silent before we turn to the door at kick it in.

Minhos POV

Been sitting on my bed for an hour now, shouldn't McCall or whatever his name was be here by now? I Haven't been wondering to myself for long when suddenly the doors is kicked in. I quickly stand up in a fighting position when I realise its Newt and Thomas, and they're both on the knees laughing their asses of. I huff but quickly run towards them in a group hug. We're all laughing with each other now and maybe just maybe some few tears escaped as well.

McCall clears his throat and we all look at him, he has this big smile on his face that still looks very professional. "guys I have good news to all of you" What? what does he mean by that "what's the good new then" Newt ask sounding a bit pissed of. "We have found all of your families!" 'HE WHAT? WE HAVE FAMILY?'

Thomas shouts exactly my thoughts "YOU WHAT? WE HAVE FAMILY?" McCall laughs and says "Yes of course you have but you haven't heard the best bit yet... You won't be separated from each other as you families live in the same town!" I stare speechless at him when suddenly I feel a heavy weight on my right side. I look up and joins the hug Thomas and Newt is giving me.

McCall clears his throat again and says "but you have to return to a normal life routine, such as you need to go to school again" we all look happy at each other that finally we get to get a normal life he starts talking again "you guys will get to have a few weapons on you to always feel safe, but you can only use them if needed. 

Thomas and Minho we will take you to your parents house and Newt we will take you to your brothers in one hour. I look at newt and sees a sad glimpse in his eyes but that suddenly disappear and he starts running to his room to pack his things and I watch Thomas do the same.

One hour later I hear a knocking on the door, I open it with a big smile and my bag with all my belongings. There isn't much of that and it's mostly weapons or the clothes I had on in the glade. It's McCall "let's go the others are waiting down by the car for you" I nod quickly and follows him down to the parking lot.

 An hour and a half is all it takes and we're at the first destination, Thomas dads house. McCall opens the car door and tells Thomas to follow him

Thomas POV

We had been driving for over an hour and my ass hurt like klunk, so I do a few squat kinda things. I smirk as I can feel Newt staring, not long after my suspicion is correct as I can hear Minho laughing.

McCall tells me to wait a little to the right, so when my dad would open the door he wouldn't be able to see me. He knocks at the door, it takes 30 seconds for the door to open but when it does it's a man that looks broken and tired. "What now Rafe?" The man says tired "I have something you might like, but you need to sit down for this or you might faint" "excuse me what?" He says a little offended. 

After a little bickering he gives in and goes in the house. "Wait here Thomas, I'm gonna get you okay" "yep got it" I start getting a bit nervous what if he doesn't want me back after all these years? I have been gone for 5 whole years. Suddenly I hear McCall coming and I stand straight so my posture looks good, oh god I'm so shucking nervous, "what if he doesn't want me?" I ask McCall just chuckle a bit "of course he wants you, you're his only son"

I follow him in the house, i get that homey feeling from it. I haven't felt that feeling in a long time. I look at the man sitting the sofa, he hears us and looks up. When he sees me he stares like he's seen a ghost. 

"h-hey dad" I manage to stammer out, I don't think I have ever been this nervous. He stares from me to McCall then to me again "Stiles" he manages to get out before he runs over and hug me I stiffen but tries to hug back. McCall clears his throat YET AGAIN, 'man he really have something for sighing and clearing his throat'. My dad let's go of me 

"Noah this is your son, but he's not Stiles anymore he changed his name to Thomas and prefers to be called that. He has to start back in school tomorrow and we have given him some weapons so if you find them don't take them" he looks confused but I quickly say "don't worry I will explain everything when we're done, but I still have two friends to meet their family and I want to be there for them. I smile at him and he nods. 

I can see all kind of emotions in his face from sad to happy to confused, but I don't blame him. His only son went missing five years ago, and suddenly turns up and prefers to be called Thomas. I would be just as confused.


YAY im so proud of this chapter cuz I got over 1000 words!! and its only getting higher hehe😏 ANYWAYS HOW WHAS YOUR DAY? CUZ MINE WAS PRETTY SHUCKING GOOD!!

You are totally welcome to submit suggestions to the story if you want (fun fact: i'm not very creative😂) i'm also open for constructive criticism

I'll see you my dear monkeys next chapter ;*


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