4]-First day of school

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Thomas POV

"Wake up you shank" Monhi shouts, I groan as the lights get turned on. "how did you get in" I ask not really wanting to get up, "through the door" he sasses right back at me. 

I hear a faint laugh, probably Newts. "now get up before I send mama noot after you" he says playfully but also serious.

"IM UP, IM UP no need for mama noot" I say kinda scared, cuz you don't wanna fuck with mama noot, he can be very strict, but also very loving.

"man normal life sucks, why get up so early?" I questioned, I have never really been a morning person, "I don't know, but come on we're gonna be late if not" Newt say sternly "yeah yeah, I'm coming"

At School

We had just got out of my Jeep, and everyone started staring at me weird. "why are they staring at you" newt whispered to me, "I don't know, but its creeping me out. Why was everyone staring at me? "do I have anything on my face?" I ask them, they just shake their heads.

We made our ways to the front desk quite quick, but we got some help from this odd looking group of kids, they kept looking disbelieving at me like I was some supernatural creature.

"here's your schedule, have a good day" the lady at the desk says smiling at us. "thank you" we say polite to her.

"I like her" I say "she's nice, I get a nice vibe from her" "yeah me too" Minho says. 

"well, what do you shanks have?" I ask, "mehh nothing exciting just history" Minho says uninterested. "oh really me too" "yes! I have that as well" I say excited now, because I will have first period with my best friends and boyfriend.

A/N*(sorry if there's mistakes when talking about school system :/ its quite different here in Denmark than in the US)

"wait I think we have every period together" Minho says looking at our schedules, "what really" "the principal must've nice us" Newt says smiling. 

"yeah proba-" Minho gets cut off by a loud ringing bell, "WE SHOULD PROBABLY GET GOING" I say loud but not loud enough for it to be shouting. "yeah lets go" the bell had stopped.

Lydia POV

"Alright class, today we have three new kids coming in so be nice" Mr.Yukimura shouted out to the class. 'It might be the three guys we helped earlier today find the front desk' I thought to myself 'the brown haired boy looked oddly very alike to Stiles, he was just more muscly and looked way more broken'  

Mr.Yukimura opened the door and there stood he, the boy who looked like Stiles. A few gasp where heard here and there, and I heard Malia whisper "stiles". She hadn't been there when we helped them.

"can you please introduce yourself to the class" he asked. They looked at each other as if deciding who to go first, then the boy with black, perfect hair said. "guess I'll starts since these two shanks won't, I'm Minho" he said "what's a shank" someone shouted from the back, I could see him rolling eyes "it's someone like you right now" he sassed right back at the kid.

"yeah uh I'm Newt" the dirty blonde boy said quietly, "and I'm Thomas" the last boy said. 'Thomas? it has to be Stiles. he sounds and look exactly like him!'

"great, now you three can go sit on the three free tables" they just nodded and quickly sat down, "did you see the one with brown hair?" I whisper to Scott sitting right beside me. "mhm looked awfully a lot like Stiles" "do you think it could be him?" "maybe who knows".

"you may start on the test, Minho, Thomas and Newt just try to keep up" they all nodded and began, not long after I heard someone whisper "do they not teach these shanks anything? this is way to easy" " Idk but its really not that hard"

They couldn't be serious? this is supposed to be hard and it is, I can barely answer some of those questions.

Thomas POV

The first few periods went by very slowly, as it looked like we where the only intelligent people in our classes. These shanks we had classes with could barely answer some of these really easy math questions, like (pretend there's a hard math question here) isn't even that hard and the answers literally just 5.

Anyway, we made our way to the Cafeteria just chatting about random unimportant stuff when suddenly someone grabs my wrist to try and turn me around. I act out of instinct and hit the person without looking.

"OW WHAT THE HELL" a girl exclaims while glaring at me, "i'm so sorry, but who are you?" I ask already irritated at her, "I'm your girlfriend Stiles don't you remember?" she ask looking hurt. "what's a Stiles" we all ask looking confused, McCall said that was my name but its still quite confusing.

"Malia just drop it its not him" another voice sounded irritated, "no, no it has to be him, I mean look at him he looks and sound exactly like Stiles" she says sounding quite desperate. "look idk who this Stiles kid is but its not me" I say beginning to get a bit angry.

"wait what happened to you?" the boy ask the girl, "he hit me" she states, "HE WHAT" he shouts angry, "look I didn't mean to it was out of self-defense, plus she shouldn't have just grabbed my wrist like that" I say also angry now.

"you still hit her, and thats not how you treat my pack" he growls, the shuck is wrong with him, total weirdo. Growling and talking about a pack.

"lets just go Thomas" Newt whispers dragging me along with Minho who also had tensed up like me. I glared at the boy one last time before turning around to go get food.

"what a weirdo" I say to them, "yeah what's with the growling and pack thing, like shank we don't get intimidated by you quit acting like a wolf" Minho scoff not totally fond over the boy either. 

Newt gives my hand a reassuring squeeze as to say 'just drop it, he's not worth it' I smile at him pecking his lips. Minho makes a gagging sound while clutching his stomach. "so dramatic" I sigh smiling at my dramatic and very sassy friend.

We have only eaten for a short time, when I feel myself being pulled by the collar only to be facing the same boy as before. He looks very angry now.


OHHHH Cliff hanger!! (kinda but oh well)

Sorry for not updating earlier :( school have just been shit so far. It started with me being 20 min late, then we go to some boring museum and lastly we see the ending on Divergent. Its kinda a shit movie series tbh even tho the books are good. They just changed it a bit too much. :/

Anyway thanks for reading so far!!

Peace out monkeys ✌︎🐵


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