❋ My Bully ❋

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"Luke you have to go!" My mother screamed in my face.

"Mum I can't!" I screamed back.

She groaned and rubbed her temples. "I just don't understand why you can't just try to be friends with him or something."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah like that's gonna work. It doesn't work like that in the real world mum."

"Well it can. Now hurry up you're gonna be late."

I was now on the verge of tears now. "Muuum."

"Oh stop being a baby. You're seventeen years old! C'mon!" She gave me a little push out the door. We got into the car and we drove off. God I really don't wanna go. The second he sees my face he's gonna laugh with those assholes he calls friends.

Fifteen minutes later we arrived at my school. My heart was beating very quickly, while my face began to feel hot.

"Okay Luke I'll see you after school. Love you!" I gave her a smile, not bothering to say 'I love you too.' I hopped out of the car and walked up to the school slowly.

Crossing my fingers I was hoping I would see Ashton when I walked in, but that ended up not being the case.

"Dude there he his." I heard one of Michaels friends whisper, as well as tapping on his shoulder. Yeah that's his name, Michael, fucking hate that asshole. Him and a couple of his friends walked in my direction, giving smirks to me.

"Well well look who it is, our favorite little faggot." Michael said, cracking his knuckles.

I gulped. "U-uh..."

"Shut up." He pushed me up against the lockers, now more people were facing our direction. Fuck.

"Well isn't this a good way to start out the school year." One of his friends snickered.

"Haha, yeah." Michael agreed.

"Hey put him down!" Said a familiar voice, I was so happy to hear that voice again.

"What do you want Irwin?" Michael scoffed.

"I just said stop. Put him down, or else." Michael let me go, I fell on the ground roughly, hissing at the pain.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about huh?" Michael pushed him and he fell to the ground, I gasped.

"Ow fuck." Ashton bleated.

"You guys are absolutely pathetic!" Michael laughed. "C'mon guys." He said to his friends. They walked off with him, while Ashton and I were struggling to get up.

Some girls helped us up, asking if we were okay, the obvious answer however was no. As I got up I groaned at the pain in my back, I hate to admit it but Michael really is strong, my back fucking hurts like hell now.

"Ash a-are you okay?" I asked as I made my way over to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." It didn't sound like he fine.

"Okay, let's go." I began to walk to class, thinking he was going to follow behind me.

"Wait! We can't just act like that didn't happen. We have to go to the principals office!"

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