Chapter 28

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Mew cried.

He cried so hard and when he realized he couldn't do it alone, he called his mother. His mother came late. She was surprised by his sadness. She cried together with him even though she didn't know why he was crying. She comforted him all night because he couldn't  sleep. He just couldn't and when he did, he slept head on his mother's lap.

In the morning his mother made him some porridge. It was a Saturday. He sat there and stared at it. His mother patiently waited for him.

"They are gone Mae," he started.

"Who is gone?" she asked,

"Leo and Nong."

"Leo died 3 months ago son."

He told her the story of how Leo was with him for the three months, how Gulf was there in between and how he was so happy with Gulf in the three weeks they spent together.

"From what I've heard, I think you are just confused and need to sort out your feelings. But son let me ask you this one thing, are you sad that you lost Leo who disappeared a few weeks ago or are you sad you lost Nong?"

"Of course I lost...,"

Wait a minute.

Why couldn't he answer this question? He thought about it as his mother gave him time to collect his thought. She got up and cleaned up the dishes.

When Leo was gone, he mourned him. He remembered how sick he was and how Gulf was with him when he felt lost. Somehow getting sick was his heart accepting that Leo was finally gone. He had seen it coming. He knew it was a matter of time ever since the first time Gulf appeared and asked for help. He knew this was the ending so his heart got ready. But it still hurt knowing he was not going to be with Leo again.

Now this time, it was different. He admitted it was not cool moaning Leo's name when he was with Nong Gulf but it was out of habit. He had been with Leo for the longest time in his history of relationships, they were engaged to be married for Christ's sake. It was a mistake on his part. He didn't mean to do that to Nong. It was an honest innocent costly mistake.

He wanted to solve the argument in a good manner but things got out of hand and they ended up shouting at each other. Now was he going to ever mend the relationship between Gulf and him?

Saturday evening, Mew made up his mind and went to Dianna's place. He needed to see Gulf. He needed to explain himself. He needed to tell him they were only two of them. That he was sorry for making such a mistake when it was his first time.

Dianna came out and saw Mew with a puffy face.

"P'Mew," the question hung in the air what are you doing here?

"Can I see him D?"

"I don't know p." Dianna had a long day trying to calm him down.

"Please D. I have to see him today."

"Yesterday he broke down. He barely had any sleep p. I don't think that's a good idea."

"I'll wait until he's awake. Let me know when he wakes up. I'll be I my car."

"P he might not wake up," it was already late.

"It's ok D. I can wait until tomorrow."

"How about you go and come back tomorrow morning?"

"Nong, I won't be able to get a wink of sleep anyway. There are some things I need to set straight with him."

"Would you like to wait inside?"

"I don't want to inconvenience you Nong. I'll be in my car."

Dianna watched sadly as Mew went away. She went and checked up on Gulf. He was sleeping. It was around 8 pm and he hadn't had dinner yet. She went and watched tv waiting for Gulf to wake up.

Three hours later, she woke up and found herself on the couch. When she slept, she had no idea and when she looked around she saw no trace of Gulf coming out from his room.

She looked at the time, it was 11:23pm, she called Mew.

"Are you still here?"

"Yes. I am. Is he awake?"

Dianna was surprised by the lightness of his voice. He sounded so alive like he didn't get any sleep. "No he's not. I was waiting for him to wake up but he hasn't woken up p'. You can go and come back tomorrow." She tried again.

"I'll wait some more." He insisted.

Dianna yawned on the phone.

"I'm sorry for inconveniencing you D."

"It's ok. I'm just tired."

Dianna waited some more as she used her phone. It was 2 hours later that Gulf wobbled out his room hungry. He saw the tv on but there were no sounds coming out. He went closer and watched Dianna sleeping. He shook her awake,

"P' Why are you sleeping out here?"

"What are you doing out?" Dianna asked rubbing her eyes.

"I'm hungry,"

"I know, you didn't eat dinner. There's food in the fridge just warm it up."

As Gulf was going,Dianna looked at the time and saw it was 1:30 am.

"Nong, p'Mew was waiting for you to wake up."

"What are you talking about?"

"P'Mew came to see you but I didn't want to wake you up."

"Why did he come?"

"He wanted to talk to you."

"He didn't say anything else?"

"No he just waited for you. He said he would wait until you wake up but I think he is gone."

"Where was he waiting?"

"In his car. Let me call him to check if he is gone."

Gulf came back and sat down on the couch next to Dianna.

Dianna put the call on loudspeaker and Mew picked it up on the first ring.

"Hey D." His voice was the same.

"I just wanted to check if you're gone."

"No I'm still waiting."

Gulf looked up and checked the time on the clock.

"Did you sleep at all?"

Mew chuckled. "I can't sleep until I talk to him.

"What about food?"

"I can't bring myself to eat knowing he is sad. I just want to talk to him D. I have paused everything for him, I'll wait until morning."

Gulf who had been dead set on ending things with him softened. He was still angry. He was still furious but then he realized that his heart was not his anymore. He couldn't rule over it. Because even after everything that had gone down, even after he just finished crying, he found himself falling in love with Mew all over again.

The elder had said it. There was no way out for him and he was on a painful road.

There was nothing more painful than that the pain of not being able to say no to your heart.

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