Chapter 1

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“That´s… that’s a lot of blood” gulped Leo perplexed, the color leaving his face.

And Donnie thought that was quite a statement.

He wanted to laugh because his situation was a damn funny irony, it had taken so many years to perfect his shell to avoid feeling like a nuisance and trying to be competent like his brothers, just to end up like this!... wounded in a dirty alley in his beloved and destroyed city with his brother panicking.

A laugh would have escaped his lips if Leo hadn't pressed his plastron hard.

“Oh sweet Galileo that hurts!” he howled.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Leo exclaimed scared. "that´s what we are supposed to do in these cases, right?"

Donatello nodded, clenching his teeth. With a shaky, bloodied hand he pressed an invisible button from his shell and a vial came out.

Why would he want Raph's epipen-

Leo flinched when Donatello stuck the needle in his leg without a second thought, shortly afterwards he let out a sigh and his body relaxed instantly.

"What was that?"

“Just a small pre-clinical drug that will prevent me from going into shock from pain. I’m better now” he panted.

“How does that make anything better?!” Donatello rolled his eyes ignoring him completely, Leo kept talking but he sounded distant and Donnie couldn’t make out his words, he didn't care. He felt like his body belonged to someone else, as if seeing everything through a lens, he curiously raised his compress to assess the damage.

Leo cursed and bile went up his throat. He had to look away.

It was extremely grotesque, that was something Donnie and Leo could agree on. A cauterizer would be helpful right now. A surgery would be helpful right now!

but time wasn’t on their side.

"This is bad!" said Leo taking the rag again and squeezing it with his hands against the wound. Donatello didn't even react this time.

The sky lit up for a few seconds, both stared at the end of the alley where purple rays were seen between destroyed buildings announcing the battle that was happening a few blocks away.

There was an explosion and Leonardo hugged his twin covering him from any debris that might fall on them. The floor shook for a few moments and a layer of dust covered them.

"Are you alright?" 

"Define alright" Donatello coughed with a calm detachment holding the piece of clothing that Leo had put on him.

Nope, definitely he wasn't alright, far from it. Leo had to do something and fast!

"Keep pressing the wound!” he ordered and finally got a less lethargic reaction from his brother, like when he tries to correct them for saying something stupid.

"Obviously I'm going to keep pressing Leo, I don't want to bleed to death, I'm not an idiot! Sheldon's on his way and before you ask no, I'm not dying yet."

I can fix this Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora