My Cecilia: Venti x reader

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I absolutely adore Venti! He is basically the only character I use. I wasn't given a prompt so I just came up with something I  thought would be cute.

Major spoilers, spoilers. Enjoy ❤

The night was cold on Starsnatch cliff. An icy breeze blew through your makeshift camp as Venti played his lyre, barefoot in the damp grass. The sky was full of shimmering stars, only a few clouds could be seen. Besides being a popular romantic spot, this cliff was home to Venti's favorite flower in all of Teyvat. Not too long ago, after pilfering a bottle of Dandelion wine, Venti mentioned wanting to take you to see the cecilias. You quickly made plans to camp on Starsnatch cliff with him. 

As much as you enjoyed listening to him play, you didn't understand how the childish bard wasn't already snuggling up to your side. Maybe him being the Anemo Archon had something to do with his resilience to the icy weather. 

"Do you think we'll be able to pick cecilia flowers tomorrow?" You asked Venti as his fingers gracefully played across his lyre. It had taken a bit longer to reach your destination, so you hadn't had a chance to see the cecilias yet. He arched a brow and turned to you with a playful grin.

"I hope we may, I hope we might," Venti started with his signature chuckle, "Alas, I cannot tell tonight. The flowers, to my dismay, can only be viewed in the light of day."

"Venti, I'm sure you could find them if you flew over the cliff real quick," you said and laughed. The god loved to rhyme, and when he was happy you couldn't get him to stop.

"But where's the fun in that?" Venti said with a wink.Your lips pulled into a small grin as he tucked the lyre away and held his hand out to you. With an amused sigh you got out of your blankets and he playfully pulled you up into a dance.

"It's too cold to be doing this," you tried to warn, but the god just beamed at you innocently as he put one hand on your hip, fingers intertwined with yours.

"I'd gladly face the icy nights, just to keep you in my sights," he sang and lightly kissed your cheek, causing you to giggle along with him. Venti's mischievous tone and playful sincerity made your cheeks flush and heart race.

"Mmm, but I hate being cold," you said. "I'm ready to sleep."

Venti let you go. "I guess that's far," he said and chuckled as another gust of cold, ocean air blew by. You shuddered and got back under the blankets. Venti yawned, stretching before he quickly curled up by your side. Venti wasn't much taller than you, but those few inches were enough for him to act like he was a giant. He took every opportunity he could to be the big spoon. The anemo god pulled you close to his chest, nuzzling the crook of your neck as the waves crashed below.

"Off to the land of Nod," Venti said with an adorable giggle. 

"Goodnight, Barbatos," you said and chuckled before dozing off.

When you woke up, the sun was just rising. Venti was quietly munching on an apple as he watched you, eyes lighting up when he noticed you waking.

"Good morning," he chirped and took another bite of his apple. You wiped your eyes and stretched before sitting up.

"Morning," you said and let out a happy sigh. It wasn't unpleasantly cold anymore. "How long have you been up?"

"Not too long," Venti said as he tossed the apple core into the campfire and pulled another one out of his bag for you. Venti 
stood up with a bright smile. "Let's go find those cecilias," he said excitedly. His smile was contagious.

"Okay, okay," you said and laughed as he came to your side and helped you up. He took your free hand and smugly held it close.

"Let's check the peak first," he said and tugged you along, humming blissfully. "That's where I usually find them."

But after skipping up to the peak, the flowers had already been picked. The two of you had passed a couple sneaking down the road when you arrived the night before. They must have picked every flower. Venti pouted and crossed his arms.

"No fair," he said. After a thoughtful hum, he pulled his lyre out. "Want to glide and check for more?"

You nodded as the tips of his braids began to glow. A large magic circle aappered under your feet as a gust of wind was summoned by Venti's lyre. The god spun with the air current before activating his glider with an excited cheer. At least he wasn't in a bad mood.

"Come on, the ceilias aren't going to find themselves," Venti said with a wink, laughing as he went to the left. You quickly caught the wind current Venti had left behind and checked the right side of the cliff. After searching the cliff, you came to the conclusion that there was nothing left. Venti had warned you that people often picked the rare and valuable flowers, and that there was a chance there wouldn't be any left. Even so it was still a beautiful location for a date, even without the endangered cecilias littered across the grass.

After walking back up to the peak of the cliff, you saw Venti sitting with his legs over the ledge. He looked over his shoulder at the sound of you approaching.

"No luck either, huh?" He said with a sigh as you sat down beside him. 

"Nope, someone must have picked them all before we got here," you said. Venti put an arm around you as you rested your head on his shoulder. The waves lazily lapped at the shore below and the salty breeze caressed your face.

"I remember when they grew all across Monstad," Venti said softly as he gazed at the sea. He had these random moments of maturity when his ancient age seemed to catch up with him. "And then one day they were gone."

"Why don't you spread their seeds across  Monstad with the wind?" You suggested and he looked down at you with a giggle. 

"I guess I could try that," he said and kissed your forehead. Venti was such a sweet and affectionate god when he wasn't drinking or lazing about. "Sorry we couldn't find any ceilias."

"Hey, I still had fun," you said and beamed up at him. "As long as I'm with you I'm happy."

Venti flushed from your words and took off his cap. He removed the ceilia flower pinned to the green fabric and tucked it behind your ear.

"My love, doth tho know, I'll follow you wherever you go," he sang in his playful tone. "By land or sea, you'll be with me."

"Barbatos, you better not be making fun of me," you said, cheeks burning from his loving rhyme. Venti winked and thumbed your cheek.

"My words will always be true to a cecilia as beautiful as you," he finished and cupped your cheeks, smiling at you with his loving gaze. You expected him to make a joke or play a prank to lighten the mod, but he didn't. Venti leaned in and gently lowered his lips to yours. Closing your eyes, you lovingly returned his sweet kiss.

When you parted you smirked up at him. "That last line needs work," you said and booped his nose. 

Venti scratched the back of his neck, cheeks redder than the apples he loved so much. "Hehe, yeah that wasn't my finest work," he said in agreement and stuck out his tongue playfully. "But I didn't jest, my most precious cecilia is the best."

With a fancy flourish of his hand, his lyre appeared. "We should go gliding at least before we head back," you said as he began to work on a tune for his new song about you. Venti hummed thoughtfully. 

"Alright, let's play," he said and laughed. 

Even if you didnt find any cecilias this time around, the date was still wonderful. The two of you blissfully danced in the wind until dark, spending another night stargazing on the cliff before heading back to your adventuring.

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