Chapter 1

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~Logan's POV~
22:17 pm, Saturday, November 5th, 2021

I sat down onto the couch as my little boyfriend crawled onto my lap, he stared up at my face and into my dark blue colored eyes. I couldn't really think of anything as long as I looked back into his eyes.. so I kissed his soft, delicate lips. It made me smile. "Daddy?" I heard my baby say. like always; his tone was so cute and soft, there was no way I could ignore him. "Yes baby?" I spoke while I ran my fingers through Jamey's silky, black colored hair. "..p-promise to text me while your gone?.." Jamey spoke softly, his voice always had this.. cute little stutter in it, it made Jamey even more adorable. Since I had to go on a business trip for a while, I was going to be away from Jamey for two weeks, starting tonight. I didn't want to go.. but since it was for work I couldn't really decline it.

"Of course I will text you, My sweet Angel.." I answered him, smiling and kissing his forehead after I spoke. "We can also videocall right?" I said, Jamey looked right up at me as I said it. "Y-yeah! Let's call then!.. I-I wanna keep hearing your voice while your away, daddy..." he mumbled, it made me chuckle. Jamey was so adorable, I wasn't even gone yet and I saw in his eyes that he already missed me. Normally when Jamey was starting to mumble, he was getting tired. So I offered him to sleep. "You're mumbling again, Angel. Do you want to sleep?" I asked while I gently caressed his cheeks with both of my thumbs, I softly rubbed over Jamey's eyelids that he closed as soon as my thumb came closer to his eyes. His eyelashes were so long and pure black, it made him more appealing and attractive than any other male...

as I got lost in my thoughts, Jamey answered. "N-no! I-.. I wanna spend time with Daddy until he's has to go..." Jamey mumbled again, I chuckled and got a gentle grip on his chin using my index finger and my thumb. I raised it up a little, making Jamey look at me. " seem tired, Little Sleepy Head, go sleep.. Daddy will stay with you and read a bedtime story, okay?" I spoke on a soft tone, it seemed to relax Jamey. So I whispered some sweet words to him, trying to let him fall asleep like this. "..I love you, my sweet little Angel.. go sleep now... Daddy will watch over you.." I whispered into his ear, Jamey clearly relaxed from it and leaned his head against my chest. Slowly but surely falling asleep.

~Jamey's POV~
00:48pm, Sunday, November 6th, 2021

I fell asleep... I can't remember if Daddy gave me a goodnights kiss or read me a bedtime story..

as soon as I woke up, I shot up and looked beside me, no one was there... Daddy had already left... I tried looking around the whole apartment, shouted Daddy's name multiple times... but no response, nothing.. "..Daddy..?" I said before I started to cry, he had been gone for less than 3 hours and I already missed him so much... how was I supposed to live on my own without Logan around for 2 weeks?

I promised that I'd be a good boy and wait patiently for him to come back after two weeks... but after an hour of crying and looking around for Logan, I knew these 2 weeks were going to be hell...

To be continued~
{so yea, I don't know if. You guys like this for so far.. if so-uh, leave a comment! I'll make the next chapter soon if ya'll like it a little! ^^}

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